9. The First Night

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They sat on Eshana's car and drove to her mansion. The house caretaker opened the door for them. Eshana told the driver to park the car as she exit  the car. Armaan took the backpack and followed her.

As Eshana and Armaan enter the mansion.

They heard some noises from the living area.

" Eshana Ma'am your parents are here." A servant inform her.

Hearing this Eshana became angry.

" Armaan give your backpack to the kaki ma, she will keep it in my room."

Eshana calls this oldest servant of hers kaki ma, who has taken care of her since she was 10, after she shifted in her own mansion, she also came along with her with her husband who is the caretaker here, they are childless, so they loves Eshana like their own, also Eshana love and cares for them.

Armaan nodded and handed his bag, as it was not much heavy, he only brought three clothes for him with his laptop and some small and important things.

As the servant left.

" Come, let's meet them, be prepared for the drama, but remember they shouldn't doubt us."

Armaan gave her a nod.

Eshana's parents were sitting on the couch and having tea.

As they saw them they glared at Armaan, then look at Eshana for answers .

" Eshana, what kind of joke is this? We thought all those were rumours. Why we were not even informed? How can you get married suddenly like this, with just a mere employer of yours." Mrs Shekhawat asked her.

" We love we each other and why do you even care, when you don't even existed in my life. I am just a bank for you guys rather than that you didn't even remember having a daughter. "

" ESHANA, don't forget you are talking with your mother." Mr Shekhawat said sternly.

Eshana royal ignored him making him angry but he didn't said anything more .

" Eshana we are your parents, we want best for you. There were best proposals coming for you, then why did you choose him? Also you got married at a court, see he can't even afford a proper marriage. " Mrs Shekhawat said her.

" They are best for you because you see the bank balance, you guys judge a person with his or her money. Like you used do back then. Also it was my wished to marry this way. I don't care what you think or not. You guys never did anything for me, for me being grateful. Although I still fulfill the duties of a child. So better stop showing your right and fake love towards me, before I stop fulfill the duties of a good daughter. " Her raised the voice as she spoke, but able to control her emotions.

Armaan holds her hand, in a way showing she is not alone, he is there for her.

Eshana doesn't have a good relationship with her parents and they visit her very rarely, or mostly when they need something from her .

Eshana calmed herself and said,

" I am kindly requesting you both to leave, Please do leave from here, don't make me do something I will regret later ."

Her parents just placed their cups on the table and left without saying anything further. But not before glaring, and showing their how disgusting they feel about their son-in-law.

As they left Armaan asked,

" Are you Okay?"

" Yes, I am sorry on behalf of my parents. "

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