6. 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷

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Dinner in the vampire's grand estate was a silent but pleasant affair for (Y/n). The food was unlike anything she had ever seen before. She had heard that noble meals were separated into multiple courses, but the lavishness of it all exceeded her expectations. Five courses in total, with the last one offering a delightful assortment of sweets and fruits.

She ate quietly, aware of the vampire's watchful gaze on her throughout the meal. As he reached the end of his own meal, her attention was drawn to the glass filled with a red liquid at his side. The sight of it, coupled with his actions, sent a shiver down her spine. She knew all too well what the crimson liquid truly was. The vampire called a servant, who took the glass and refilled it with the disturbing substance.

Feeling a sense of unease and in need of diverting her thoughts, (Y/n) broke the silence, saying, "I am growing bored. There is nothing to do here."

The vampire arched an elegant eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate. "Would you like more dolls?" he suggested.

She rolled her eyes, her frustration mounting. "I don't need more dolls," she retorted. "I want something genuinely interesting to do. I miss going into the forest."

"No," he replied firmly.

She gave him an outraged look. "Why?"

"Too dangerous," he said dryly.

Brows furrowing in irritation, she argued, "I've spent a lot of time in the forest near my home! This one can't be any different."

"You won't go anywhere," he hissed, and the air grew noticeably colder around them.

Her stomach twisted, but she wasn't ready to back down. Her mind raced for an alternative. "If I can't leave this estate, can't I at least do something here? The horses! I want to ride horses."

"No," he fumed, his anger so palpable that it led to a shattering glass as he tightened his grip. "I don't want to hear any more about this matter."

The blood was now dripping on the table. She pushed her chair back. It was a good thing the table cover was red. As servants rushed to clean up the mess, (Y/n) pushed her chair back, her appetite vanishing.

Well, she had at least tried with the vampire, she pondered. There were still the servants she could try to convince. She had talked briefly with one servant named Mary. (Y/n) wondered if she would be able to use this to her advantage. Instead of insisting on it, she would occasionally talk to that lady to gain her trust.

"I shall buy new books," the vampire announced, his tone more composed. "What would suit your taste?"

She hesitantly lifted her head and shrugged. "I don't know," she admitted meekly, still mindful of the vampire's previous anger. "I don't read much."

He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, you don't read much ?"

She fidgeted, unable to understand what was so wrong with her statement. "Not really necessary when harvesting food, is it ?" She reasoned with a dismissive shrug, hoping her response would suffice.

The vampire sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I suppose we shall have to change that, then," he remarked with a shake of his head.

⊱ ────── {⋆☾⋆} ────── ⊰

"Now, I want you to be on your best behavior," the duke instructed, his gaze sweeping over (Y/n) from head to toe, making the final adjustments to her appearance as the maid who had dressed her discreetly retreated.

(Y/n) let out an impatient sigh. "Is this really necessary?"

"Yes," the man— vampire, insisted. "I must ensure my daughter is well educated." Another exasperated sigh escaped her, and she crossed her arms. "None of that now, do you know how difficult it is to find a governess willing to work during the night ?"

"No," she acknowledged with a careless shrug. "But you wouldn't have to if you simply agreed to me having lessons during the day."

He scoffed at the suggestion as if it were the most ridiculous thing he ever heard. "That would disrupt your sleep schedule."

A servant knocked at the door before announcing : "Mrs. Mitchell has arrived, Sir."

"Let's proceed," he ordered, striding toward the door. The girl practically had to jog to keep up with his brisk pace.

They entered the reception room, where the tutor was sitting, waiting for them. The woman had a sharp, stern look about her. She wore a white chemise and a long black skirt reaching her ankles.

"Good evening, Duke de Beauvoir," greeted the woman.

"Greetings, Mrs. Mitchell," he replied politely. "Please, take a seat," he offered.

The adults engaged in conversation, and (Y/n) stood beside the vampire, remaining silent. Her thoughts drifted, and she began to daydream. Eventually, Mrs. Mitchell decided it was time to assess her current level of knowledge.

The tutor instructed her to read and write a little. After the brief examination, she slightly furrowed her brows and remarked, "She appears to be slightly behind, but I believe this can be rectified in no time."

"Very well," the man agreed. "A room will be prepared for you, and your lessons will commence on Monday night at 6:00 PM."

At this time of the year, the sun sets early in London. (Y/n)'s jaw dropped in outrage. That was insanely early. She was usually still in bed at that time. Nonetheless, they agreed on the hours without the girl's consent.

Mrs. Mitchell, however, seemed curious and ventured to ask, "May I inquire why nighttime is the preferred time for these lessons?"

The vampire's expression turned cold. "I do not believe that is any of your concern, Mrs. Mitchell."

The tutor nodded humbly. "Of course, Duke de Beauvoir. I apologize."

He accepted her apology, then turned his gaze to (Y/n). "Your duty is to educate my daughter, not to interfere in our affairs."

"Understood," Mrs. Mitchell replied with utmost respect.

(Y/n) couldn't help but wonder how the woman would react if she eventually discovered the truth. Would she leave? Or would fear keep her bound, much like the other servants?

The vampire placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder as they left the room together. Lately, he had expressed an interest in teaching her to play chess.

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