18. 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓓𝓮𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮

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Today, her sleep was abruptly interrupted by a person shaking her awake. As she stirred from the depths of her dreams, the world around her gradually came into focus. Disoriented and still half-asleep, she instinctively reached for the covers, attempting to shield herself from the unwelcome intrusion into her peaceful slumber.

"You have to wake up now," a voice said with an urgency that alerted her.

Groggily, she peered from beneath the covers, trying to discern the source of the disturbance. She squinted, muttering in a tired voice, "What...?"

"You have to leave," Killian announced somberly.

It struck her, and she stood up abruptly. "I— What ?"

He began packing some of her clothes into a small bag. "This is your twelfth birthday, is it not?" he asked rhetorically. "The blood moon is in seven days, and I suspect today is most likely your best chance of escaping while you still can. Dorian left to run errands."

The room, bathed in the muted glow of the awakening dawn, seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the gravity of the moment. "Now?" she croaked, her voice barely audible, carrying the remnants of sleep-induced raspiness and hesitation.

A pause hung in the air like a suspended note in a symphony, and she could feel the weight of his words settling around her like an invisible shroud. "This is your last chance to escape, child," he asserted slowly.

He draped a large coat over her, its fabric enveloping her like a protective shield against the unknown, and led her through the manor with a sense of urgency that left little room for protest. (Y/n) was too paralyzed and shocked to refuse, her mind grappling with the surreal nature of the situation. The halls of the manor seemed to blur as they hurried along, the echoes of their footsteps resonating in the stillness of the early morning.

When they finally emerged outside, the abrupt transition from the dimly lit interior to the bright morning sunlight proved disorienting for (Y/n). She instinctively covered her eyes, the harsh light an unwelcome intrusion after the cloistered atmosphere of the manor. Ironically, the vampire by her side didn't exhibit such an adverse reaction. His gaze remained focused, undeterred by the luminosity, perhaps driven by an unyielding determination or aided by the mysterious ring adorning his finger.

The duo moved swiftly, their destination becoming apparent as they approached the stables. The scent of hay and horses filled the air, and the sounds of neighing and shuffling hooves became more pronounced.

"I have packed enough food to last you a few days. This journey, however, should not take you longer than one day," he stated with a calm assurance, handing her a rather heavy bag that clinked softly with the promise of sustenance. (Y/n) accepted it, feeling the weight of the provisions in her hands, a tangible reminder of the journey that lay ahead. "There are also warm clothes and money," he added, his voice a steady anchor in the midst of the unfolding uncertainty.

She trembled in fear. "Where will I go?" The girl asked with a panicked voice.

He looked at her, and his gaze softened. "There is a nunnery not too far from here," he told her. "They will surely take you in to protect you from a vampire. You will tell them you were attacked by a vampire, understood?"

She gulped and nodded. He settled her onto a black horse, explaining briefly how to ride the creature. She could only manage a slow walk, but that was enough.

He accompanied her to the grand entrance of the estate. "Pepper is a smart horse," he assured. "We have practiced this path before. She knows it by heart. You won't have to do anything other than stay on her back."

Nervously, she nodded. "Alright," she mumbled. She looked away, a lump forming in her throat. "You mentioned you wanted to leave. Can't you come?"

Hesitation and reluctance flashed in his eyes. He opened his mouth, then closed it. He held her hand with a certain firmness and gentleness. "I will keep him at bay," he answered.

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