Mama's Girl (Part 2)

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((Y/N)'s POV)

I still don't know this girl's name, but now she won't let me leave her house and she even made me dinner. It was just meat, but it still tasted good. She was in another room of this shack doing something before she came out to pick me up and take me into what must be a bathroom, but it looked broken and another worked. There is just a big bucket full of warm soapy water and she took my clothes off before she put me in the water. I tried to keep my clothes on and fight her on this, but I couldn't even slow down her arms. She scrubbed my head first and just poured more water on me before she rinsed me off and scrubbed my body. When she finally took me out of the water, she dried me off with a clean-looking towel and it smelled like flowers, but she didn't put me in new clothes... She only wrapped me in a blanket and slipped me into a sleeping bag on the couch before she kissed my head. Next, she went into a room she did not want me to be in then came out to go outside at night. I thought about seeing what was inside that room, but I could not get out of the blanket because the sleeping bag would not let me unwrap myself and I didn't want to fall on the floor.

(Y/N)'s mind-What is she doing out at night? She already got food, water, and firewood... Maybe it's just a walk.

(Counselor's POV)

The last party to go out looking for the kid that ran off never came back and would not answer any calls or even shoot up a flare. We decided to call the police and they discovered a dead body, so the kids were sent home and this camp is now a crime scene. I'm out right now looking for (Y/N) that the police labeled as a suspect, but a kid that size can not snap any adult's neck, even if he really wanted to. 3 police officers were with me in this search party and they had guns... Wish I had a gun when there is a fucking SERIAL KILLER OUT HERE!!! I wouldn't even be out here if I didn't think this would help my chances of not getting involved in any lawsuits or at least pull back the blow a bit.

Counsoler-Any words from your buddies, yet? We've been searching for hours.

Cop#1-We don't have much of a signal out here. We only have local comms and those only reach so far.

Cop#2-We have only one more search party on our channel out here. Others are in town or back at the camp.

Counsoler-Shouldn't you all be on the same channel?

Cop#3-The ones at the camp are on the same channel too. It's just the ones in the town that-.

Radio-Officer down! Officer down! The killer is at the camp! Requesting backup!

We all started running back to the camp and I just think staying close to the cops instead of running off alone was the safest move. There could be more than one killer and I got no gun or knife. By the time we made it to the camp, I saw 4 dead bodies on the ground in the light coming from the police cars.

Cop#1-You, get in the back of the car and stay down!

Counsoler-Don't you watch horror movies! The person that's all alone with no weapon, dies first when there is not a black guy around!

One of the cops looked at me and glared a little... Let's just say, it would be better if he did not hear me say that.

Counsoler-Um... I-I'm just gonna go wait in the car and stay down.

Cop#3-You do that and take your horror movie logic with you.

I just got in the back of the car and lied down on the floor to make myself harder to find. I just waited for an all-clear or something and those cops should get everything under control. The killer must've had the element of surprise before and now it's gone.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

Counselor's mind-Jeez, no gunshots, no radio going off on the police car, it's dead silent, and I feel cramped back here.

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