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The next morning, Simone had a tennis practice, while she was still trying to sober up. I had a few classes that day, most of them with Damon.

After classes, I went with Nate in her room and we talked until Simone come from practice all sad.

"So, I'm guessing coach Loni didn't liked your skils today?", I asked her as she entered the room.

"Don't even ask.", Simone said.

"Well, next time you shouldn't get drunk if you know you have practice the next day. Just saying.", Nate added.

"Yeah, you're right. How was your day?", Simone asked.

"Pretty boring.", Nate said.

"Same. Classes and... Oh, shit. I need to meet with Damon in 10 minutes at the field.", I said, remembering the conversation we had earlier.

"Ooo, someone's got a date.", Simone said to me.

"It's not a date. He told me he had an idea and wanted me to come. That's all.", I told the both of them.

I got up, took my bag and made my way to the baseball field. Once I got there, I was greeted by Damon and JR.

"Hey, thanks for coming.", Damon said.

"Yeah, no problem. What is this about though?", I asked as I looked at the 2 boys.

"Don't look at me. Damon left me in the shadows as well about details.", JR told me.

As we were talking we saw coach Marcus coming to us. I definitely had no idea why was I there now.

"Fellas, mrs Miller. Why did you wanted me to come here, Sims?", coach Marcus asked him.

"I have an idea how to rebuild this program.", he told us 3.

"Which is?", coach continued.

"Laura.", Damon said.

"What?!", JR asked.

"How can mrs Miller help us, Sims?", coach asked.

"She is the only girl in this college that loves baseball, she literally can talk about it all day and we need publicity. Laura is the reason I'm here and everyone in this team can count on her. I know it's risky, but Laura Miller is our key to rebuild our program, our team, coach.", Damon said.

By now I had no idea what to say or do. Did Damon Sims put me above all?

"Still, I don't see how she can help.", coach Marcus said.

"We need a female in the team. Not to play, but to help with the image and motivate the team. She's pretty good at it.", Damon said the last part smiling at me. I returned the smile.

"All right, but hear me out, Sims. If this doesn't work, you'll be benched the whole semester.", coach said to us 3.

"Yes, coach.", Damon and JR said, then coach Marcus left us.

JR and I turn to Damon in disbelief. He smiles at me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Now, really man, what is your plan?", JR asked Damon.

"You could've give me a heads up at least.", I told Damon.

"Okay, Laura will come to our practices, coach will give her teachers a formular that says she's part of the team now and will tell me and coach Marcus if anything needs to be improved.", Damon explained us his plan.

"So, that's why I am a genius?", I asked him.

"Pretty much. Tomorrow, practice at 8 untill 10, then 15 to 18. Don't be late.", Damon smiled at me.

"And why she should tell you and coach if anything needs more improving? You're not even the captain of the team.", JR said kinda mad.

"I think I should let you 2 talk...", I tried to sneak from Damon's grip, but failed.

"No, stay. You're a part of the team now, so you should know what we talk about.", Damon tried to stay as calm as he could.

He put me close to him and gave me his jacket, since it's night time and it's cold outside. He then turned to JR.

"And to answer your question, coach needs to see anyone's opinion about this team, not at the games, but at practices as well. And she should inform me, because I have more experience than you, captain. So, if you have a problem with that, set up a day and a time and we can talk more than. Come on, Laura, let's get you inside.", Damon said to him and we start walking towards the campus.

As we walk, I could feel Damon tensed, so I talk with him about anything and it helped. Once we were inside, he lead me to my room and wished me sweet dreams, then went back to his room. I walked inside, closed my door and went to sleep.

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