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I woke up at 6:47, I have no idea why, I changed, feed Manu and then went to Keisha and Nate's room with Manu. I was greeted by a happy Nate.

"Morning beauty. Morning little guy.", Nate said to us.

"Morning, can I come in?", I asked.

"Of course girl. Keish, we have company.", Nate said.

"Hey girl. What's up?", Keisha said.

"Okay, can you 2 watch Manu sfter school, today?", I asked them.

"Wait, is this about Damon asking you out?", Nate said.

"How'd you...? Nate, you did not.", I said.

"I didn't do anything wrong, but to encourage Damon to ask you this year though.", Nate said proudly, as me and Keisha laughed.

"You're unbelievable.", I told her.

"I know. And we'll watch him for you.", she added.

"Thank you so much. I owe you one.", I told them as I headed to my room before dropping off Manu to dr. Patterson and getting ready for classes.

I got over the day and now I have a little meeting with coach Marcus and the team. As I was making my way there, I got a message from Layla Keating, Simone's and I's friend from Beverly Hills.

Layla Keating: Hope you take good care of him, because Spencer and Jordan are coming for him soon.

That made my heart feel like a stone. I still made my way to the gym and everyone was there, except coach. I sat between JR and Damon.

"Hey fam. What's up?", JR asked.

"Nothing.", I tried to sound normal.

"You good? I can tell you're not by the look on your face right now. What happened Laur?", Damon asked.

I took my phone out and showed the 2 boys the message from Layla.

"Is she for real?", JR asked.

"He can't do that, can he?", Damon asked, looking at me with concern.

"All I've learned about Spencer James is that to never underestimate him, no matter what.", I told the both of them.

Coach approached us and started talking about how the team needs more practice and how each player can improve their plays.

After the meeting, Damon and I went to a nice coffee shop he found near and we had a great time, talking and laughing, getting to know each other better. We then went to the park and watch some kids playing together football and basketball, some girls were dancing.

"You know, before all this baby drama I used to dance.", I told Damon while looking at the girls' coregraphy.

"What? For real? I wanna see that.", Damon said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm still good at it.", I confess.

"No, I don't belive that. You're the badass momma bear I've ever met, taking care of Manu, your friends, the team and still manages to take A's every damn time in classes. So, I don't belive you.", he said.

"Thanks.", I said to him.

"Well, what are friends for?", he added smiling.

We went back to campus and I took Manu from the girls, saying our goodnight's and leaving to my room. After a good hour, I managed to put Manu to sleep and then went myself.

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