chapter ten

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Guys this wonderful drawing (found it on Pinterest if you want to know) gave me sm ideas for the story !!

Kid flash pov's

I was hanging, alone, in Jump City, thinking of Robin. I miss our relationship, I've wasted everything...
Suddenly, I saw the H.I.VE robbing a bank. Finally, something to change my mind!
I ran to them and tied them all in less than a minute.

KidFlash: hey guys you shouldn't rob banks, It's a bad thing and you don't want to be bad people.

Jinx: Who told you we didn't want to be bad people?

Kidflash: What? But Why?

Gizmo: we want to be villains it's so cool and we don't have to follow any rules!

Kidflash: But...

See-more: yeah! If you want an ice cream, you don't have to pay for, it if you want a pet, you don't have to pay for it either! You can have everything you want without even asking. Life is so cool when you are a Vilain, you don't owe anything to anyone.

Kidflash: Sounds cool... But not for me sorry guys I have to send you to jail.

Gizmo: Don't tell me you have everything you want. There must be something you desperately want but you can't have it!

Billy numerous: Or someone.

When I heard Billy's sentence my eyes widened. Did he really just say that I could have... No don't think about that Wally. It's bad and you're not bad. You have to make Uncle Barry proud of you!

Jinx: There's someone, I can see it in his eyes.

Billy numerous: If you untie us, we can maybe help you have them, all to yourself.


KidFlash: You mean that he would love me back?

Gizmo: Sure!

See-more: Now untie us so we can help you.

Kidflash: I don't know guys, He's a person I can't control his feelings...

Jinx: You can make him fall in love with you.

See-more: Yeah we can help you.

Kid flash: You promise me he will love naturally?

Billy numerous: Promised.

Kidflash: Fine.

I'm sorry Uncle Barry but I can't stop the feeling.

The high and I headed back to their place which was really pretty.

Kidflash: So, how are you going to help me?

Jinx: first you have to stop being a superhero.

Wait what? No, I can't stop!

KidFlash: what?! I can't stop being a hero! I was born to be a hero and he's a hero, he's not going to fall in love with me if I am not a hero anymore!

Jinx: of course, he is going to fall in love with you have you ever read a love novel? Believe me, if you did you would have known that Hero X villain is the best love relationship.
For example, look at me and Cyborg, I'm a Vilain and he's a hero, perfect match!

Has she just said what I think she said? If she thinks I'm going to be a Vilain, she's thinking wrong.

KidFlash: wait no I am not a Vilain and I will never be a Vilain!

Jinx: why not just try for one day and if you don't like being a villain then you can be a hero again.

KidFlash: I don't know...It sounds like a bad idea...

Gizmo: Trying won't kill you.

Kid flash: Alright... What do I have to do?

See-more: First, you have to change your look to a darker one.

Kid Flash: but I like my look, what's wrong with it?

Billy numerous: Basically everything.

Kid Flash: Are you kidding me? Look at you, you're look isn't better than mine.

Jinx: Yeah he's right Billy. Your look isn't better than his. Anyway! Let me just change the colors.

Jinx snapped her fingers and my suit changed colors to black and red. If I had to be honest I would say it's brilliant.

XOXO This_writer

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