Chapter Twelve

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Wally knocked out Dick and put him in his room 'cause yes, the H.I.V.E gave him a room.

One hour later, the boy woke up, wondering where he was.

Robin: Hello? Is anyone here?

Suddenly, the door opened and Kid Flash appeared.

Robin: Wally?! Oh god, thanks you're here. Do you know where are we? And what is that dark suit for?

Kid Flash: don't you remember?

Robin: remember what?

Kid flash: you're in my room.

Robin: Why am I tied up?

Kid Flash: oh it's because I don't want you to escape and tell your silly team about the H.I.V.E hideout location.

Robin: First, we already know where's the H.I.V.E's hideout. Second, why do you bring the H.I.V.E's hideout into that conversation?

KidFlash: Don't mind about it! Let's have sex!


Kid Flash: Hey I'm kidding!! Even I'd love to have sex with you...

Robin: I'm 14 and you're 16!

Kid Flash: I know, I'll wait for you to get ready.

Robin: Could you untie me up, please?

Kid Flash: Um... Sorry but no.

Robin: Why?!

Kid Flash: Can't risk you to go away from me.

Robin: What if I promise to not leave?

Kid Flash: Promised?

Robin: Promised.

Kid Flash: Alright. But you can't get out of my room, not yet. 

Robin: Okay.

Kid Flash: Wonderful! Let's get you some new clothes.

Robin: Okay.

Kid flash: Stop answering "okay"! It's stressing me out!

Robin: Okay.

Kid Flash: Ugh...

Robin: Sorry buddy, I love to tease you.

Kid Flash: I love to tease you too birdie.

The black-haired hero blushed at the nickname the redhead gave him.

Robin: Don't call me that name.

Kid flash: Oh you prefer Love? Baby? Dear? My bird? Sunshine?

Robin: Just Dick.

Kid Flash: No sorry I can't call you Dick.

Robin: Why?

Kid Flash: Because I love calling you by nicknames.

The speedster smiled and hugged his best friend.

Robin: You didn't answer my question though.

Kid Flash: Which one?

Robin: The suit.

Kid Flash: Oh! I just love the colors!

Robin: What about the truth?

Kid Flash: Okay, I'm a Vilain now but I did it for you. So you'll love me. Is it working? Do you love me now?

Robin: Wally I-

Teen titans' pov

The Titans came back to the tower, exhausted by the fight. They win of course but couldn't send the H.I.V.E to jail because of Cyborg's feelings for Jinx. He begged his friends to let them go.

Raven: Hey has anyone seen Dick huh I mean Robin?

Star Fire: Isn't he with us?

Raven: I wouldn't ask if he was.

Beast Boy: Don't worry mama, I'm sure he came back to the tower after kicking Kid Flash's arse.

Raven: I have a bad feeling...

The Half-demon went to Robin's bedroom to see if he was in there, maybe hiding himself from the other Titans because of April Fool's prank.

Raven: Robin? Are you there?

Nobody answered.

Raven: Robin? It's not funny. Stop hiding.

The hero looked at Robin's deck and saw a note. She grabbed it and read it.

Dear Titans,

Robin won't come back to you. You're just mean to him and aren't good for him. I kidnapped him for his good.
You're never going to see him again so don't even try to find him. If I don't want you to find him, you won't find him.


Raven's Pov


"I kidnapped him for his good". Who does he think he's kidding?! He kidnaps him because he's in love with him and he wants to have him all for himself!
I swear to God I'm going to kill him!
Believe me Kid Flash, I will find you and save Robin from you.

XOXO This_writter

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