my future husband (SM)

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Taehyung's POV

" Taehyung, why are you still not ready? You know that Jungkook and his parents will be here soon to have dinner with us."

" As if it's my choice Hyung. Do I really have to do this? Can we do something else about the company?. I don't think i can do this Hyung."

I look at my brother with pleading eyes, I know that he can't resist it. He walk closer to me and hold my shoulders.

" Tae, you know that I don't want to do this too right? But this is the only way to save the company that our parents left us. Or all their hardwork and legacy will be plush out the drain."

I look at my brother and I can see the sincerity in his eyes. Our parents died in a car accident when I was 14 years old and my only brother Namjoon had to do everything for us, he took over the company and raised me at the same time. Our company is doing well until last year when the pandemic happened, the only way we can save it is to merge in another company, luckily one of our competitors approached us but in one condition and that is for me to marry their Son.

At first I thought Namjoon was just kidding when he told me the offer but after a few months of negotiation, i found out how serious it is, I had to say yes, I feel bad for my brother and I don't want to lose our parents company.  I suddenly feel the guilt creeping on me, because last night after having an argument with Namjoon to cancel the arrangement I was really mad and I made the biggest mistake of my life that I am now regretting.


I am really pissed at the moment, after talking to Namjoon Hyung to cancel the arrangement about my marriage. I know it has been planned and set for a few months but after he said that my soon to be husband will come and see me tomorrow, fear took over me and i talk to him about cancelling the plan, I don't even know the guy at this point so I am really scared all of a sudden. I get dressed and went out of the house quickly.

I arrive in the usual bar that  Jimin and I usually go whenever we want to hang out and drink. Jimin is my best friend and my soulmate, I am supposed to call him but I have changed my mind I just want to be alone tonight.

It has been over an hour since I got here in the bar and I feel the effect of alcohol creeping over me, there are few Men that has approached me including the bartender but I am not interested, I am not the one who flirt, merely because my focus is always my studies, I never had a boy friend in my life. I know I am gay since I was very young and after admitting it to Namjoon and my parents I was able to be free about my own sexuality but I am not like others, I did not involve myself to men more than friendship. But now that I just graduated in college I should be happy, maybe I can start dating already but then I can't do that now anymore because of this fucking arrange marriage.

" I am willing to listen"

My thoughts were cut off with the voice of a man, I instantly raised my head and came face to face with a handsome man who is now seating beside me. I look at him with a frown

" And what makes you think that I need someone to listen to me?"

" Well your almost empty bottle of wine and your soul left your body state is all I need to know."

I look at the man, I am tipsy but I am sure that he is the most attractive man I have met in my whole life, the man has smirk in his lips that makes him more handsome

" Well, sorry to disappoint you but I don't need you or anyone."

" Fair enough. I will just seat here until you decided to let out what's in your chest."

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