Chapter 4

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The bustling hallways of Hendersonville High School echoed with the energetic hum of students transitioning between classes. Taylor stood by her locker, diligently retrieving her books for the next session. The routine was interrupted by the arrival of her friend Abigail, who leaned casually on a nearby locker, excitement dancing in her eyes.

"Hey, Taylor!" Abigail greeted, a playful grin lighting up her features.

"Hey, Abigail," Taylor responded, a smile on her face as she organized her books and stowed them in her bag.

Abigail, ever the social planner, had a proposal. "So, I was thinking about you and me going out shopping together after school," she suggested, her tone holding a hint of pleading.

"Yeah, I'll message my mom that I'll go out shopping after school," Taylor agreed, her friendly demeanor showcasing her willingness to join in the plans.

"That is great!" Abigail exclaimed with enthusiasm, the prospect of an afternoon spent shopping clearly lifting her spirits.

As Taylor closed her locker, her attention shifted to the hallway, where two guys made their way through the bustling crowd. One had Brown hair, and the other sported a shade of blondish-brown. Both were familiar faces from her class. The blonde-brown hair, whom Abigail affectionately referred to as "pencil guy," had once saved her from the embarrassment of not having a writing utensil.

As they approached, Taylor noticed that the second guy, with his kind of brown-haired guy, was unfamiliar. However, he seemed comfortable with pencil guy, and Taylor assumed they were good friends. Pencil guy and Taylor exchanged a brief yet meaningful gaze, a silent acknowledgment of their previous interaction.

"So, getting a crush already, huh?" Abigail teased with a smug grin, noting Taylor's momentary distraction.

"I don't have a crush; I am just thankful that he gave me his pencil," Taylor defended herself, playfully pushing Abigail as she made her way toward the intriguing duo.

Approaching them, Taylor initiated the conversation with a friendly demeanor. "Hey, I'm Taylor, by the way," she said, extending her hand for a handshake.

"I know you're in my class. I'm Nathan," he replied, shaking her hand. The familiarity of sharing a class created an instant connection, and Taylor couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort.

"Yeah, I am. I just wanted to thank you for the pencil. You really saved me there. I thought I had prepared one, but I guess I didn't," Taylor admitted, a tinge of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. Nevertheless, she offered Nathan a genuine smile.

Nathan chuckled at her confession, "Don't worry about it; I wasn't using my pencil anyway," he assured, attempting to alleviate any lingering embarrassment. Taylor appreciated his easygoing nature.

Reaching into her bag to return the borrowed pencil, Taylor was surprised when Nathan declined. "No need, I've got more in my locker. You can have that one. See it as a welcome to Hendersonville," he said, his welcoming gesture accompanied by a warm smile.

"Thank you, Nathan. I really appreciate it," Taylor expressed her gratitude, a genuine smile gracing her features. As she walked away, back to Abigail, her thoughts lingered on the unexpected kindness she had encountered and the potential for new connections in her new school.

The banter between Abigail and Taylor continued as they made their way into the classroom. Abigail, with a mischievous glint in her eye, couldn't resist teasing Taylor about the encounter with Nathan, whom Abigail had affectionately dubbed "pencil guy."

"So, Taylor, ready to plan the wedding with your pencil hero?" Abigail quipped, a playful smirk playing on her lips.

Rolling her eyes, Taylor chuckled, "Abigail, it's not like that. He was just being nice."

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