Chapter 6

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Nathan awoke to the morning light filtering through his window, but the restlessness from a less-than-peaceful sleep lingered. Thoughts of the encounter with Taylor replayed in his mind, 'Was it bad for me to leave Ethan when he thought I'd be there to support him in the bleachers?' creating a mental maze of questions and reflections. He pushed aside his blankets, determined to start the day, and made his way to the bathroom for his morning routine.

As Nathan descended the stairs, he expected to find his mother in the kitchen preparing breakfast, a comforting routine in their household. However, to his surprise, he discovered his mom about to leave.

"Where are you going, Mom?" Nathan inquired, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Oh, I'm just going to the cafe. There's some trouble with a new worker; she's having difficulty starting something up. I'm going there to help her out. Your breakfast is on the table," his mom explained with a reassuring smile as she left the house to assist the new worker.

Nathan, left alone in the quiet house, took a moment to absorb the unexpected turn of events. A new worker at the cafe? The prospect intrigued him, and he couldn't help but wonder about the person who had joined his mom's workplace.

With a shrug, Nathan decided to set aside the swirling thoughts about Taylor for the time being and turned his attention to the inviting aroma wafting from the breakfast on the table. He approached the meal prepared by his mother, appreciating the familiar comfort of a home-cooked breakfast, even in the midst of the unanswered questions in his mind.

As he enjoyed his meal, Nathan couldn't help but muse about the potential dynamics at the cafe with the addition of a new worker.

Nathan's morning continued as he sat at the breakfast table, wrestling with his phone. The device felt heavier in his hand as he contemplated the messages that awaited him. His fingers danced on the screen, unlocking the device to reveal a cascade of messages from classmates, friends, and most notably, Ethan.

With a hopeful yet apprehensive expression, Nathan tapped on Ethan's name. The anticipation weighed on him; he desperately wished for good news, dreading the possibility of hearing they lost the game. He took a deep breath before diving into the messages from his best friend.

"Hey man, I don't know if you care, but I just want to say that we won."

A surge of relief washed over Nathan. They won. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he read on.

"It was a close game. I'm happy that you didn't see my bad shape, hahah."

Nathan chuckled, picturing Ethan's self-deprecating humor. However, the mood shifted as he read the last message.

"Well disappointed that you didn't see me win. I would've rubbed it in your face."

"Dissappointed," Nathan echoed the word, his own disappointment seeping into the atmosphere. He pondered over how to respond. Should he apologize for not being there, or should he congratulate Ethan on the victory? Texting suddenly felt like navigating a social minefield.

The weight of the decision pressed on Nathan as he groaned and put his phone away. He decided to focus on his breakfast, hoping that the simple act of eating could distract him from the complexity of crafting the right response. Little did he know that a seemingly mundane morning had become a battleground of emotions and decisions, all encapsulated within the confines of his phone screen.

Nathan savored his breakfast, the flavors mingling on his palate, momentarily distracting him from the complexities of the morning. Yet, when he glanced to his right, he noticed his mother's phone forgotten on the counter. A laugh escaped him at his mother's apparent rush to get to the cafe. Nathan thought for a moment about whether he should change his quiet and relaxing day to one where he would give his mother her phone back. However, he decided to seize the opportunity and find out who the new worker is.  Finishing his breakfast, he ascended the stairs to dress himself, casting a glance in the mirror before descending to the ground floor.

Right Where You Left MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang