Caibidil a sé: Shove off

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I roll down the window to the new van that I just rented out, my old Mercedes desided to breakdown right after my exam a few days ago, making me have to hitchhike back to my town

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I roll down the window to the new van that I just rented out, my old Mercedes desided to breakdown right after my exam a few days ago, making me have to hitchhike back to my town... don't ever do that, it's not safe however I'm a professional.

"C'mon, Blythe!" I call once I see the brunette exit the front foyer to her apartment building, a wide smile takes over her features as she dramatically waves my way.

Most people who know's the brunette calls her by her last name, there's no origin story on why we do. It just happened, most likely was from her secondary school days back in France.

Blythe runs to my car and swings the door open before giving me a weird look, "what's happen' t' Jerry?" she mumbled her French accent thick with her words, her dark eyebrows drew together in confusion at my new beat-up van.

Jerry - my old beloved Mercedes-Benz, gone but never forgotten.

I frown, "don't speak his name I'm still in mourning," I wipe a nonexistent tear from the corner of my eye.

I turn the key to the side and the van rumbles to life, making Blythe jump in the passenger seat

Blythe lets out a bark of a laugh before turning serious, "That bad, eh?"

"So utterly terrible, you have no idea."

I turn the wheel onto a main road, making my way to where my home town is.

"Maybe you should be the drama teacher," Blythe giggles until she stops abruptly and turns to face me quickly with wide eyes, "don't take my job!" she gasps.

I shove her arm with a scoff, "don't talk to me." I deadpan, narrowing my eyes at the road. It was unusually bright out, it was starting to get difficult to see with the sun almost in my eyes.

"We have a teenager to collect, onwards my dear!"


"He'd make a good Charizard."

I laugh loudly at that, and finally I pull down the mirror above me to block the light.


After about 15 minutes we made it to the parking lot of Martin's Secondary School, I could see Henry but there chatting with some girls making me and Blythe poke fun at him. But there was no Martin in sight - which is odd considering you never saw Martin without Henry and vice versa. In the corner of my eye I saw Blythe wave a hand over to Henry to call him over, Henry furrows his brows before realizing who we were and walked over to the rental after saying goodbye to the girls.

"Hey Row, Alyssa," Henry says getting in the back without being asked and leaned on the center console in between mine and Blythe's seats, "What are yous plannin'?"

"We are taking Martin with us to Spain for a few weeks," I explain looking at the side of his face.

"Alright... Is Mrs. Walsh aware?" Henry raises a brow.

"What are you, my Da?" I joke before becoming serious, "but seriously do you know where he is?"

"I saw 'em last block but 'm not sure where he's at."

"You've got to be kidding," Blythe sighs, "This was supposed to be easy!"

I groan and turn to my brothers best friend,"You're no help," he smirks and leans back in the seat.

"I know."

"Be gone you pest," Blythe swatts at Henry to leave the beat up van,

"Nah, I wanna see how this goes."

Just then I see Martin leave the building I roll down the window

"Get in loser!" Blythe yells drawing attention to the car making me almost want to just hide away and jump out of the open window.


"So... what are we going to tell mum?"




"She'll forgive me, I'm the favourite... you're done for Row."

"Oh, shove off."

this is just a quick filler sorry! I also have a Max book being written called Beautiful Boy, the writing style is completely different and much more of a "Book" if you's want to check that out, thanks so much for the love! Until next-time, tot ziens 👋 

𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now