the Great Hall...

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Dark. It was dark. I had no idea where it was I managed to awake but I knew I wasn't in the comfort of my bed any longer.
I twisted my body around in circles willing my eyes to adjust to the lack of light— in hopes to gain an understanding of where it was I shifted to.
I had shifted. I felt my stomach twist with excitement and nervousness--also confusion as to where exactly I was. Leave it to my mind to wonder as to how I managed to get here in the first place.

I heard voices in the distance as my arms groped in front of me for anything to grab onto. Something to give me an idea of where exactly i was. It smelt like old books? No. dirt. The musty air filled my nose. It smelled— dirty . Thats the best way to describe it. Unfamiliar.

As I shifted my weight and took a step forward my ankle gave way from under me. I fell. Hard. Cursing under my breath, my eyes began to adjust to my surroundings. More stuff being knocked over. Brooms?

A broom closet. You have got to be kidding.

I heard my voice— "hello??" sarcasm dripped from my tongue as I laughed in disbelief. What the hell was I doing here?

I shifted to— a broom closet?

I regained my footing, standing up and smacking the dirt off my legs. Objects began toppling over around me as I tried to regain my balance.

My heart sunk as I heard a skeptical female voice from the other side of the door.

"... hello?"

Oh god who was it? What was I going to say? My hands were shaking as I slowly reached for the handle and peered out the small crack I had made in the door.

Pansy Parkinson stood on the other side of the door. Her eyebrow quirked with amusement.

Perfect. Just perfect. I lurched the door open and made eye contact— awkwardly. How do I even explain this?

"What are you doing in the closet?" she asked skeptically.

Pansy glanced up at me with curiosity flashing across her face. She was beautiful. A lot more put together than the last time I saw her. That was a different reality. Things will be different here.

Her hair was long, or longer than it was before. Jet black like I remembered. Bangs straight across her forehead combed neatly leaving nothing to be desired of the fact she was extremely put together. Her Robes were neatly fitted to her body. I peered down at her, she stood much shorter than me. The last time I saw her-- never mind. Like I said, that was another reality. Another time. Things are different here.

In the process of taking her appearance in I struggled to find the right words to respond with.

"erm... I was looking for something?" the words sounded more like a question. Nice. Good job Kourtney.

Pansy glanced up at me with amusement spreading wider across her features. "We're going to be late. The ceremony is about to start." She swiftly turned on her heel and made her way towards the great hall.

My brain seemed to be reacting faster than my body as I stood frozen for about 15 seconds. Processing. You shifted, okay this is happening. I managed to unwrap myself from the mess I made on the floor filled with toppled brooms and white furniture sheets. Unscathed from harm, I raced down the hall way to catch up with her. She wasn't very talkative. Honestly she wasn't saying anything at all. Why?

"Running late are we?" I glanced up to see a portrait of an older lady with an irritated look on her face. I tried to keep from laughing. Oh, how I've missed this.

Pansy looked over her shoulder a few times seeing if I was still behind her and continued on. A few seconds later we were at the doors to the great hall. I reached for the handle--

"You're not actually going through the main entrance are you?" she gaped.

I looked at her in confusion.

"We were supposed to be here about fifteen minutes ago... I'd rather not draw any more attention to myself than necessary." she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Sorry.." I trailed behind her down the hall towards one of the side entrances. Why was she late anyways?

As soon as I stepped in my heart fluttered with excitement. I was busy trying to take in the place I've missed so much, when I realized pansy was, in fact, not waiting for me. I noticed eyes on me as I made my way past the tables trying to not draw too much attention to myself.

Then I noticed Harry. Our eyes locked and my heart swelled. It's you. You have no idea how much I've missed you. A lopsided grin spread across his mouth as he waved to me. His hair was disheveled and messy on top of his head. His glasses tilted more to one side than the other. His excitement caught Hermione's attention, she waved with a smile on her face as well. Ron as clueless as he was, was looking anywhere but me trying to figure out who his two friends were acknowledging. He was quite literally waving to no one. I chuckled as I watched the interaction. It was quick. Normal. My friends. Hermione shoved Ron a bit harder than necessary and his eyes locked with mine smiling. You three have no idea how much I've missed you.

"Why were you walking in with Pansy?" Blaise questioned me the second I sat down at the Slytherin side of the room. Why shouldn't I be? Is that unusual? With each interaction my brain was filled with the words I've missed you. I missed you. You have no idea how much I've missed you.

"I just ran into her." I responded with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Why were you late anyways?" he pushed further. Nosey bastard.

"I was in the broom closet." The words flew out of my mouth before I could come up with something clever to say. No point in lying I suppose.

"um... why?"

"I was looking for a broom!" for the love of god Blaise Zabini can't a girl process shifting to a reality in peace? I couldn't say that out loud, but I most certainly was thinking it.

With a shrug of his shoulders he didn't even question the bizarre statement I just made. "Okay."

I glanced in another direction to meet eyes with Angie. I couldn't help but smile. My roommate. One of my closest friends in my past DR. She was trying to say something to me-- no. She was asking me something. I tried to read her lips but I couldn't understand. It was too loud from all the commotion going on around me. Once she realized I couldn't hear her, she shrugged me off with an apologetic look, glancing away to the front of the room as Dumbledore began to speak. Dolores Umbridge slowly crept up next to him. I laughed as soon as I saw her. Apparently too loud. A girl I didn't recognize shot an irritated look in my direction. Slytherin charm, how lovely.

I couldn't focus on Umbridge's insufferable speech so I allowed my brain to other things. So much was happening. I shifted again. After so many failed attempts. Now I'm here. It feels weird being here again. In a good way most definitely, but I haven't shifted here in well over a year. Let alone a new reality with similarities yet so many differences. How was this going to go? Will I be alright? Yes— but glancing around memories of before began flooding my thoughts. I'm here. A fifth year Hogwarts student. Kourtney Snape. I couldn't help my eyes locking on one thing after another-- soaking in my surroundings.

My attention was jolted back to reality as I felt the air move around me. A blonde wizard took a seat next to me. I almost choked on the air in my lungs. You have to be kidding me. I glanced at him unsure what to do. For the love of god I did NOT need this right now. The irony was uncanny. He looked over at me and gave a swift nod of his head before turning his attention to where Dolores was speaking. I fiddled with my fingers— uncomfortable, to say the least,—staring down at the table. Why was he late too?

Then I saw Pansy glance at him and smirk, straightening out her robes. He rolled his eyes and continued to not pay attention to her, or anyone for that matter. Oh... I think I understand. Well, that's something. I shrugged it off and began looking around again lost in thought.

Angie caught my eye and rolled her eyes with a smile. What an introduction to things.

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