Prologue: 「恶」

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Translation by Microsoft.

Note: We started Boruto style.


You could hear someone's footsteps on a slow walk past several bushes where the sound of her swaying from that person's abruptness resounded. Where you could see a black haori of a large size where there was an embroidery on the back [恶] that meant [Evil].

He was dressed in a full black outfit with gold designs, a large red belt rope with several ropes tied on top of a leather skirt for armor, his sandals were hooked to the calves of armor with red anklets, even the toned body was seen on top of the tight sleeveless leather shirt.

Her snow-white hair was falling on top of the Japanese red umbrella because of the winter season that had arrived.

But something was sticking out at the front of his head.

A pair of thin horns black in half and the rest in red.

A blood red as that person's only visible eye, in his other eye was hidden with an eyepatch.

He raised his right hand and then magically appeared a candy called dango.

—I seriously never imagined that it would take me long to purify my soul from Angra Mainyu's corruption.

—You purified yourself a long time ago, I don't know why you're saying it now.

Out of nowhere appeared a three-headed humanoid white dragon walking, a bipedal dragon as it walked with two legs on the snowy ground.

Finishing eating the candy, he began to walk slower.

—Even if it takes me too long that I end up affecting my psyche, after all I never imagined living a villain's life, I was a blacksmith who went on to a [Pseudo-Servant] to get reincarnated with my soul being corrupted by the guilt of Angra Mainyu, and now look at me; I'm going to kill a lot of people who never did anything to me... but...

—It's fun, isn't it?

The dragon could be heard amused as he said that.

—Very funny, that even my blood is boiling with the excitement of this war!

His one eye began to shine more intensely, he seemed more excited even after saying that he wasn't happy about killing someone who hadn't done something.

The dragon was smiling with amusement on its three heads, its six eyes also began to glow with intensity.

—We must continue to show Little Garden what our community stands for!

On the red dragon cloak, it also had the embroidery 「恶」, it was possible to see that the cloak was a flag.

That's when they disappeared.

» ━━━━━━ « ♔ » ━━━━━━ «

Boom! Boom!

Several explosions could be heard and people flying in various directions without knowing if they would survive the strong fall.


The one-eyed man's voice was heard shouting in euphoria.


A loud explosion of great intensity succumbed to the earth and rose to the heavens.

It was pure destruction on their part, destroying and killing anyone who crosses it in this war that they decided themselves.

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