Chapter 2: Lost

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Chapter 2: Lost

—King Oni Yamato Castle, Outer Gate Number: 2976. —


It had been five years since he had reincarnated with Gaia's help. The only thing I have done is read books from the [Great Library] learning information on various subjects, but the most important one is how to get rid of the curse that Gaia gave me for sure which was never to die. I have attempted suicide by various methods, but without being lucky enough to succeed, I am on a dead-end road to breaking the curse.

I don't want to think that my solution to breaking this curse is to fulfill Gaia's order to eliminate humanity.

For now, I'm just looking for more information that's important, like digits.

In this world called Little Garden there are digits separated from 1 to 7, each digit represents someone's strength, the digit [7] is considered garbage; In my case I am on the digit [4] [2976] to be exact, and this digit is feared by the lower digits, the fear of the digit [4] are the upper digits [3] [2] and [1].

But very rarely do you see a person of that digit going down to the lower levels, surely, they like to be in their world without the presence of those they consider rubbish like us who are inferior to them.

And there are too many in Little Garden that can be stolen or sold, you can also use it as an exchange as is the case with my father.

My father had a [Gift] called the Sun Authority which I never discovered since there are 24 Solars, which one was the one I had and I exchange because each one has different abilities such as the [Leo Sun Authority] that belongs to [Hero] Hercules, this [Gift] allows him to reflect all the weapons in the world, regardless of whether they were made by Spirit or even Gods. This [Gift] gives immunity to all kinds of cutting weapons even, this defense can be overcome by [Gift] that can kill Celestial Star Spirit, or weapons with Celestial/Spirit/Star Slayer attribute that are super rare to get as well as the attributes since there are not many with that power, the most well-known are Shirouyasha [Lord of the White Night] as the [Queen Hallowen] and also Gaia, she is also a [Celestial Star Spirit] but is sealed.

I don't want to go like a crawling dog to get their help to be honest, I'll look for a way to break the curse and commit suicide never to come back to life.

For now, the only good thing is that I don't lose my mind, those emotions rarely appear that end up turning me into someone else.

Although... He almost killed a brother... I need to find a way to control myself, thanks to my sister Nobunaga who kills me to recompose my composure and not kill anyone.

Seriously this is a very serious problem.

Also talking about my brothers, there is something super weird since they are incarnations of historical characters such as my sister Nobunaga, since she is Oda Nobunaga someone famous, I thought it would be a man, but I was very surprised when I found out that she had always been a woman. So, it was like shit that her gender went unnoticed in feudal Japan.

But I won't look for information about that, there are also my other brothers and sisters, since they are historical figures, they are:

Sasaki Kojiro (14 years old)

Okita Souji (14 years old)

Oda Nobunaga (10 years old, already mentioned above)

Lu Bu (8 years old)

Tomoe Gozen (5 years old)

Minamoto no Raikou (9 years old)

Raiden Tameemon (11 years old)

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