Part 2

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Robert and Alex were watching red white and royal blue again in the break room Alex secretly snuck him, unbeknownst to his boss. Alex said "hey Robert, you're great but I feel like you've been ignoring me lately". Robert decided to run away out the door and ignore his problems. Alex tried texting him again but he didn't respond and his calls went to voicemail. A few days later, Robert snuck in through the window like he usually did and said "Alex....I think we should break up" "NOOO" Alex said as he tried to hug him. But Robert just moved away, years in his eyes. "But Robert what about all we've done together" but Robert just looked sad and said "I'm not ready for this because I have a test tomorrow I can't deal with you fr" and left through the window. Later that week, James jame rehired Robert because he was no longer gay

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