if you had a fight/argued

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• He would show that he's angry, but is secretly worrying inside.

•Raises his voice at you, but only if its SERIOUS serious.


•this guy would be fighting for HIS LIFE just to stop this arguement.

•Moxxie isn't used to arguing with you, and will probably have about 4 panic attacks.


•She will absolutely dropkick the shit out of you/j

•She will shout at you. No doubt about it.


•be prepared to be SHOUTED AT.

• Gurl will not hold back her anger, and show it very clearly.

•but would NOT hurt you.


• Laughing at you bc of how silly you look.

• you cant argue with this man. Thats only if he starts it.


•Right, I was exaggerating Loona, but for crimson, actually BE prepared to get SHOUTED SHOUTED at.

•He would hit you. Probably even twice.

•If your lucky enough, you won't end up like Moxxies mom.

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