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Enchanted Forest, many years ago:

Rapunzel was now twelve years old and was still stuck in the tower. She was overall a happy young girl but she was also very lonely. As any girl her age she longed to have friends but her mother would never allow it. The young girl got dressed for the day with Johanna's help and sighed. She wished she could be like other girls her age.

Meanwhile at the palace, Regina had just buried her husband and send Snow White away with the huntsman.

"What is your plan now? Leopold is gone, so are you going to bring Rapunzel here?" Henry Sr asked as he watched his daughter. He still thought what Regina was planning to do with Snow White was wrong and he didn't like that Rapunzel was still stuck in the tower. She deserved better than that.

Regina turned to look at him and shoke her head. "It's still not save. Mother is still out there and as long as she and the Dark One are around I can't let Rapunzel out. It's too dangerous." She told him. She couldn't risk her enemies finding out about Rapunzel. It just couldn't happen. She needed to protect her.

Henry didn't like this but he knew he couldn't change Regina's mind.

"I'll go visit her now." Regina added and got up. She waved her hand and disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, reappearing outside the tower.

She looked up and smiled. "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" She called out and waited for her daughter to let her hair down. Only moments later, the long braid was lowered down for her and Regina started to climb up. Her daughter's hair had always been special. It was very strong and grew a lot faster than normal. Regina had enchanted it so it wouldn't hurt her daughter if she used it as a latter. It was now the only way in and out of the tower to keep strangers away.

She smiled as she reached the top and got in, being greeted by her young daughter. "Hello, my little love." The young queen said softly and pulled her into a tight hug.

Rapunzel smiled but her smile faded slightly as she noticed her mother's black attire. It was unusual. "Hello, Mother. I've missed you. Did something happen?" She asked as she looked up to her.

Regina cupped her daughter's cheek and sighed deeply. She faked some tears. "Yes, my dear. Your father sadly passed away. The whole kingdom is in mourning." She explained to her daughter and glanced over to Johanna who was shocked.

The little blonde frowned. She had never really met her father, he never came to see her. But her mother had told her about him and her sister Snow White and she sometimes brought gifts from Leopold to her. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mother. That's awful. Snow must be terribly sad." She said softly as tears gathered in her own eyes. Even though she had no connection to her father, she still felt bad over his death.

Regina held Rapunzel close and stroked her hair gently. She sighed as Rapunzel mentioned Snow White but her daughter didn't know any better and she wanted to keep it that away. Rapunzel could never know the truth. "Yes, she was devastated. She decided to run away sadly. There was no stopping her." She explained to her and still held her.

Johanna frowned. It wasn't like Snow White to run off after such a thing. Something was off. "Your majesty, I'm sorry for your loss. Would you like your afternoon tea now?" She asked and bowed slightly.

"Yes, thank you, Johanna. And after that I need you to pack your things. Your services are needed at the castle." The queen explained. She knew Johanna was suspicious of her and she could risk Rapunzel finding out. She deemed her daughter old enough to stay in the tower on her own.

Rapunzel shoke her head as she heard this. "No, please. Let Johanna stay, Mother." The young girl pleaded with her. She couldn't lose Johanna. She didn't want to be in the tower all by herself.

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