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Rosalie was still very upset about Alex's death, which was to be expected. She didn't leave her room at Granny's in days and mostly stayed in bed, crying her eyes out. After a week of basically wasting away, she finally went out again and decided to visit the graveyard.

She put flowers on Alex's grave and then went to Graham's grave. She couldn't believe he was gone too. He had been like a father to her and she could always confide in him and do things with him her mother would never allow. "Oh, Graham. What do I do?" She asked and started crying again. She felt so lost ever since Alex was gone. They shouldn't have come back to Storybrooke in the first place.


A few years ago...

"Mama, wake up." Little Rosalie said as she gently shoke her mother's shoulder. It was early in the morning but the five year old couldn't sleep any longer.

Regina stirred slightly and groaned before opening her eyes. She looked at the time and sighed before looking at Rosalie. "Sweetie, what's wrong? It's the middle of the night." She said and looked at the little girl to see if anything was wrong. She was always worried about her daughter. She didn't want to lose her ever again.

"I can't sleep no more." The little blonde explained and looked at her with her big brown eyes.

The brunette nodded and picked Rosalie up, lifting her into the bed. The little girl was getting heavy for her but she didn't mind. She would do anything for her daughter. Lifting up the covers, she cuddled close to her daughter and stroked her hair gently. "Now, try to sleep a bit more. It's not morning yet." Regina told her and closed her eyes again, falling back asleep.

The next morning, they woke up to her alarm clock and Regina smiled as she saw her daughter wake up. She loved the little girl so much and was so glad she got this second with her. "Good morning, sweetheart." She said softly as she sat up.

Rosalie smiled at her mother and rubbed her eyes slightly. "Morning, Mama. What we doing today?" She asked her curiously.

Sighing, the mayor got up and went to her wardrobe to pick out an outfit for the day. "Mama has work. So you are spending the day with Graham. You like Graham, right?" She told her and continued to get ready for the day. She hated leaving Rosalie but her job as mayor was very demanding and she couldn't take the girl with her.

"Yeah. I like Graham." The little blonde answered happily and slowly climbed out of the bed and went to get ready for the day herself. She was already quite independent which Regina didn't like so much but she wouldn't stop it either.

Rosalie got ready, brushing her teeth and washing her face before she got dressed. When she was done, the little girl grabbed her hair brush and went to her mother. "Mama, you do my hair?" She asked curiously.

Regina smiled and nodded. "Of course, princess. Come here." She said and took the hairbrush and stood behind the toddler as she began to brush through the long blonde hair. Her hair was still marvelous and Regina vowed to herself to not cut it short ever. She had always loved her daughter's beautiful hair and brushing it was always their special time together.

The brunette hummed slightly as she brushed her daughter's hair and smiled. She was truly happy now that she had her little girl back and the prince out of the picture. However, she was still worried something would threathen her happiness again. That was why she still kept Rosalie inside most of the time to protect her.

Graham soon entered the house with his spare key and smiled as he went to Rosalie's room to find Regina and Rosalie there. He greeted Regina with a soft kiss before looking at the toddler. "Hey  Rosie. You ready to spend the day as my special deputy?" He asked the little girl and tickled her tummy gently.

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