-Chapter One-

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For the past few days, I had felt uneasy - like bad news was coming my way.

Everywhere I went, ill omens followed. Black cats crossed my path. A murder of crows sat on my porch. A mirror in my hallway shattered. It was as if the universe was warning me that a tremendous cosmic pigeon was about to take an enormous shit on me.

I tried to protect myself by saging my apartment, playing Tibetan bell music, and shoving black obsidian crystals down my bra. None of it worked. The bad news arrived in the form of a gold wedding invitation on Friday evening.

I knew who it was from before I had even read it. My pack, or rather, my ex-pack.

Ice spiderwebbed through my veins. How did they find me? More importantly, why did they find me after all these years of no communication?

I picked up the invite and flipped it over.

'You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Miss. Amber Mason to Mr Jeremy St. James.'

Amber, my twin sister, whom I had not spoken to for eight years, was getting married. I turned the invite over in my hands and saw a small hand-written note on the corner. It read: 'Mabel, please call me - mom.'

"Oh no, Satan. Not today," I said, taking the invite straight to the trash can.

The audacity of these people! They had cut me out of their lives when I was sixteen. Why the hell were they bothering me now?

I dropped the invite into the trash and hoped that would be the end of it. But less than thirty seconds later, my phone started ringing.

"That better be cable telemarketer," I hissed.

I answered the phone and heard my mother's trill voice.

"Mabel, darling! Did you receive the invite? Isn't it wonderful? Amber's getting married!" She cried ecstatically.

"Hello, Janine," I said coolly.

"Janine? Mabel, I'm your mother. What's with the attitude? I swear you moved to the city and forgot your family ever existed. I had hoped this little period of independence might have finally taught you how important the pack was," My mother snapped.

"Are you insane? My pack disowned me eight years ago," I replied bluntly.

"It hasn't been eight years - stop being so over dramatic. Listen, your sister wants you at her wedding, and the new alpha has allowed it," she chirped.

I frowned - the new alpha?

"What happened to Hector?" I asked, referring to our old alpha.

"Cancer - the poor man. He's been dead ten months; God rest his soul. His son Sebastian has taken over. Do you remember Sebastian? He was so kind to you when you were a little girl," my mother waxed lyrically.

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