You're All I Ever Wanted

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A/N: This will be the last chapter of the book. I won't be doing anymore. So please do not ask me to continue because the answer will be no. I will be doing a book for Clay eventually once I get some of my other books done though.

"Hey. Thought I might find you here." A voice says as Alexis is sitting in troll form next to the water on Vacay Island.

"Sorry. I just wanted a bit of space is all. I'm not used to being around so many trolls without them screaming or something in fear or insulting me." Alexis says as she turns to see Floyd.

"No worries. I know your past so I understand. That's why I figured I'd find you by the water by yourself." Floyd says as he smiles.

"How come you aren't inside with your brothers? You definitely missed them since we were captured." Alexis says as she looks at Floyd.

"Yeah but I wanted to check on you. I missed my brothers of course but you're important to me too. So that makes you my responsibility too as well as my brothers." Floyd says as he sits beside Alexis.

"I'm not your responsibility Floyd. We're just friends. Once everything is settled down I'll be on my way. Chances are we may never see each other again. I imagine you and your brothers will be doing some traveling and performing now that you're back together in crowded areas and I usually tend to stay clear of areas that are crowded which you know why on that. I'm just saying don't get attached. I don't want it to hurt anymore than it will." Alexis says as she rubs her arm.

"So you have become attached to me since we've known each other." Floyd says happily as he smiles.

"Maybe. I like you. You're one of the good ones. I don't regret meeting you. I value you as a good close friend. I see you as part of my pack now. It's just gonna be weird us not seeing each other every morning anymore and doing silly games together to pass the time." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Or just making up songs together and telling each other stories." Floyd says as he chuckles.

"Yeah. My point is I'm gonna miss you and I don't want it to be so hard that..." Alexis says as she sighs.

"That you what?" Floyd asks curiously.

"That I don't want to leave. But this isn't my home Floyd. Not that I really had one before." Alexis says as she looks down.

"I understand. You just don't like large crowds of trolls due to your past. It's okay. I understand. But that's actually something I wanted to talk to you about." Floyd says as he stands up before Alexis stands up.

"What about it?" Alexis asks curiously.

"You are correct that my brothers and I do intend to perform again but I don't want you to leave. I have feelings for you Alexis. You're all I ever wanted in someone. You're kind, strong, and amazing. Will you stay with me and be my girlfriend? Whenever I'm not performing well find a place somewhere that's not too crowded so you don't have to feel overwhelmed. All I know is that I want you by my side." Floyd says as he smiles at Alexis while blushing.

"I don't know what to say Floyd." Alexis says as she looks at Floyd in surprise.

"If you don't feel the same it's alright. But would you consider staying as a friend instead? Poppy and Branch has done said they'd be happy to set you up in Pop Village since it's not too big. And we could continue hanging out and doing our usual activities together. I care about you. Even if we're just friends I want to see you happy and safe. So what do you say?" Floyd asks as he takes Alexis's hand in his and smiles shyly.

"You really want me as your girlfriend?" Alexis asks as Floyd nods.

"Of course I do. I love you." Floyd says as he gives a loving smile.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I love you too Floyd." Alexis says as she smiles before Floyd kisses her and pulls away smirking as Alexis is blushing.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." Floyd says triumphantly as Alexis blushes shyly.

"Oh I think I have some ideas. But that was a pretty nice way of giving me some extra motivation to stay." Alexis says as she kisses Floyd causing him to blush and smile happily as she pulls away.

"Glad to hear it. Come on. We should get back. The concert is gonna start soon. Poor and Viva will be waiting for you that way you won't have to be crowded by anyone you don't want to be." Floyd says as he holds Alexis's hand.

"Sounds good." Alexis says as she lets Floyd pull her with him as they begin walking.


"They're so good aren't they?" Poppy asks as she, Alexis and Viva are watching Brozone perform with another band alongside other trolls.

"Yeah. Floyd especially. It's nice to see him singing and showing off his talents because he wants to instead of being drained of it by force for a change. It's good to see him happy again." Alexis says as she smiles watching Floyd.

"Poppy I have a small proposal. Will you-" Branch then gets cut off by Poppy.

"Join the band? Of course I will. I thought you would never ask." Poppy says excitedly as Alexis chuckles.

"You know me too well." Branch says as he smiles.

"Viva! Get up here and sing with us. We're in the band!" Poppy shouts as she and Viva join the boys on stage as Floyd comes over to Alexis.

"Well beautiful? Wanna sing with me?" Floyd asks.

"Oh uh no offense but no. I'm not that good." Alexis says nervously.

"Come on. You'll be fine. Just have fun. And if you're nervous just keep your focus on me and tune the crowd out. Please?" Floyd asks as he offers Alexis his hand.

"Okay." Alexis says as she joins Floyd with others in dancing and singing.

You're All I Ever Wanted Trolls Band Together Floyd X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now