16: Friday Feels

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A few days later...

I walked out of the elevator, making my way down the hall to my desk. I had my usual Starbucks order in my hand, and was excited to see Jimin today; it's been a few days because he gave me off one day and took off himself the other.

It was Friday, aka the day of his big meeting. Jimin and his father were meeting with supposedly their biggest clients yet to date at the firm.

When I made it to my desk, I walked up to see a bouquet of pink roses in a glass vase resting on it. I audibly gasped, putting my hand over my mouth in shock. When I sat all of my stuff down, I looked to see there was a notecard attached that read:

For you, my love.

Happy Friday!

xx, Jimin

I put my hand on my heart, in awe of Jimin's thoughtfulness. 

He got me roses just cause? How romantic.

I instantly got my phone out and texted Jimin that I had arrived at work. Not even thirty seconds later, his door opened and he sent me a smirk. I giggled and blushed, playfully rolling my eyes at him.

He walked over and placed his hands on my waist, scanning me up and down. "Good morning, gorgeous...Do you like them?"

I leaned in and placed a peck on his cloud-like lips. "Yes, they're beautiful...Thank you."

"Beautiful roses for my beautiful girl," he coos cutely, rubbing his thumbs on my waistline.

I picked up my strawberry refresher, taking a sip out of nervousness. "You didn't have to," I murmur shyly.

He reached down and took a sip himself. "I wanted to...and wow, that's amazing," he admits, pointing down to my drink.

"And it has caffeine in it," I coo brightly, causing him to grin at my cuteness.

"I will be gone until noon for this meeting, but-"

"But, I will make your schedule for next week," I finish, playfully rolling my eyes.

"And then in the afternoon, I wanna teach you when and how to buy and sell," he smirks, holding his head high.

"Sounds good," I coo, breaking away from his embrace to unpack my tote bag.

"I'm nervous," he admits, taking a deep breath.

"About the meeting?"

"And because Appa wants to talk to me about something after," he sighs, looking back and forth then back to me.

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