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It's been more than an amazing experience writing this story, and I'm starting a new one about a sports toxic boy, and a ruthless girl. It's the newest story in my profile and I really hope you guys like it.
It does involve toxic scenes of gaslightning, suggestions and mature scenes.

It is a enemies to lovers because im sorry but I cant write anything that doesn't have that tension, that's why after some time I take more breaks between the new chapters.


It has been a week after that night, where my brother found out.

We have had our space, but considering we live in a boarding school, privacy is not exactly what we receive.

So right now, I enter the class with Nate next to me, he holds my hand as we sit down in our usual seats. "You're going to eat dust, loser" I tell Nate as I see Ghail handing in the last test we took. He smirks at me as his hand lays lazily on my thigh, I'm used to it but it doesn't mean I don't love it every time.

"I think you got the roles reversed, Bells" He assures me, slightly gripping my thighs stronger.

I roll my eyes as Ghail finally hands us our graded tests. I breathe in and out deeply and read the grade. A+. 100%.

"AHA!" I yell at Nate, shoving my grade on his face, he chuckles as he looks upset at the page in front of him. "What are- how did you do?" I ask, now feeling bad about shoving my grade on him. "I got a C." He says devastated.

"Are you serious?" I ask, trying to comfort him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No loser, I got 110%, an A++" He hysterically starts to laugh, placing the page on his desk and I playfully hit him. "This is so unfair, Ghail just hates my guts." I defend myself and his laugh starts to fade. "Just accept that I'm better than you at everything" He smirks, whispering it on my ear. I smirk back as I look him in the eyes. "Not everything" I tell him, leaning closer. "Oh yeah?" He taunts, leaning in as well until a book is strongly hit on the table.

"So,-" Ghail starts, we both chuckle and pay attention to the beginning of the class.


Me and my friends are all sitting at a common room near the bedrooms, we are all sitting on the couch.

I sitting next to Nate as his arms are wrapped behind my shoulder, pulling me in.

"Since you two finally took all that sexual frustration off, you lost the ability to keep your hands to yourself hm." Flynn comments, earning a honest chuckle from the rest. My brother is not here, not yet.

"I wouldn't say sexual frustration-" I start but am interrupted by Ames. "So you're telling me you guys didn't fuck until daylight was arriving" She looked at me with a knowing smirk. I chuckled, trying to avoid the question. "Well? Answer her" Elliot said, I'm sure I'm red as a tomato. "Well, let's just say I wouldn't say we didn't" Nate comments, making my mouth go wide open as I playfully hit his chest.

Our friends bursting out in laughter. "I called it since day one!" Flynn announces, all of us groaning. He literally doesn't make us forget that. He always tells us all about how he always said we would get together.

I roll my eyes as lean further into Nate, going in for a kiss as he kisses me back. "Ou, ou! No more PDA, big brother is here" Flynn says in a sarcastic tone, noticing Leo was arriving.

"I will absolutely never get used to this" He admits, making a gagging sound. "I love them together, they're just such cuties" Liz lovely comments, her voice soft as she spoke.

Leo sits next to Ames, placing his arm on her back as he leans on him.

I squint my eyes at the action, and then widen them in realization. "YOU! You were talking about me and Nate, but it's dating Ames! That's why you called us over, right? To make it official to the friend group. What a hypocrite!" I snap at him, he snorts and throws his hands in the air, shrugging. "It is only fair. You took my best mate, I took yours" He says, I chuckle at the sentence.

Nate reajustes himself on the couch and smirks as he thinks of a question to make. I know this is not going on a great path for me.

"So uh, do you remember the start of the year, where Elliot was dating that girl.. uh.. the cray cray one" He says, we all nod. "Who here thinks that my girlfriend was dripping out of jealousy when she called me Nate?" He asks, putting his hands up in the air.

"She was definitely dripping.." Flynn says, earning a suprised chuckle from me and laughter from everyone else except my brother, "Too far, Flynn. Too far." He says, hitting the back of Flynn's head. "I was talking about the lake thing!" He says, no one believing a word that came out of his mouth.

I shrug it off and go back to the previous topic. "I was not. And you were mad that I wasn't." I tell Nate, truthfully. He rolls his eyes. "I knew all too well you were dying inside" He whispers in my ears, my whole body tingling. I love how he still has that effect on me.

Days and months go by until our summer vacation. Everything is and was fine, we have all adjusted ourselves to the new relationships. Summer was awesome and so it was the next years.

College then started, all of us feeling more than happy to be good. Of course there were some obstacles in the way. Me and Nate almost broke up once, because of lying rumors.

College is fun. We study at different ones but we all make sure to meet at least once a week, or as soon as possible. Me and Nate study close, so we always head back to one another.

Even Flynn found someone to love, a red head guy.. I think his name is Anthony. They are really cute together.

And this is our story, about how a high school bickering turned into love.

Turned out it never was hate, we were just mistaken by the thin line between love and hate.

I love screaming and fighting with Nate, I love all that we went through and we will never again be apart, for now.

The end.


Thank you so much for being patient and always lovely towards me and my story. This is a story with a very cringey beginning, but I swear that my next one is great.

It is a college romance, about a hockey boy and a girl that grew up in the hockey world. It's a rivalry love, with very much a lot of drama and a slow burn because I hate when it's fast.

Thank you for everything, the story is now finished. I am deeply thankful for the support.

If any mistakes, I am sorry, it's because english is not my first language.

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