Chapter One

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My name is Dani Grady and I'm 16 years old. I've been obsessed with dinosaurs for as long as I can remember, which isn't surprising because my older brother Owen was too.

Owen is the only family I have left in this world. Our parents divorced a couple of years back. My dad wanted nothing to do with me and my mom just wasn't fit to take care of me; so Owen took me in and I went to live with him on Isla Nublar.

Isla Nublar is an island near Costa Rica which is famous worldwide for its dinosaur park Jurassic World. Owen and I both work there. We work specifically with the velociraptors because we were present when they hatched so we have a close bond with all four of them. I have a soft spot for the raptor I named Blue, I'm not sure why I guess it's because she's so hyperactive.

Anyway, today is my first day off work ever! So naturally I'm gonna sleep in until like midday, or so I thought.
I was sleeping peacefully on the couch when suddenly all I could hear was Owen hitting two frying pans off each other while screaming:

"Dani Dani Dani wake up! Rise and Shine! Be active! Be awake! Sleep is for the weak!"

"Well I guess I'm weak cause I'm gonna sleep some more" I groaned.

"No you're not, now come on you have to go into the park to get coffee for me and Barry because I'm already running super late."

"Ugh fine" I moaned while getting off the couch.

I ran into my room and got dressed quickly.

After I brushed my teeth and applied minimal makeup I ran out to Owen who was already waiting in our jeep.

After purchasing two coffees for Owen and Barry I had to manoeuvre my way through the crowds of people eager to explore Jurassic World. I figured the easiest way to get to the raptor cage would be to go through the visitors centre, so that's where I headed.

When I finally got the door open with my back, because my hands were full, I noticed that my shoelace was untied. I sighed and put the two coffee cups on an information desk and crouched down to tie my lace.

As I was standing up someone walked straight into my back so inevitably I fell flat on my face.

I rolled over and saw two boys looking down at me, one of them looked about my age and the other about 10 or 11.
The younger boy looked at his brother, I presumed, and said:

"Nice one Zach"

"Yeah nice one Zach" I mimicked as I stood up.

"I.. Um.. Sorry about that I was just trying to get Gray here to slow down, he's a little overexcited." Zach awkwardly laughed while gesturing to his brother.

"Hey it's okay, just don't do it again, I'm Dani by the way" I smiled while extending my hand for a handshake.

Did I really just shake hands with another 16 year old what is wrong with me why am I being so awkward?
I then noticed that they were both wearing VIP bracelets.

"Hey you guys are VIP, how did you manage to get those?"

Gray spoke up, "Our aunt Claire works here, she's the park operations manager"

Claire Dearing is their aunt?! Owen went on a date with her a while back! We even nicknamed her Crazy Claire!

I decided not to tell her nephews that though.

"Oh cool my brother and I work here too, it's my day off though but I'm bringing him coffee so I better go, it was nice meeting you guys" I smiled while making awkward eye contact with Zach.

"Yeah you too, see you round" Zach smirked.

I then briskly walked away. Why was Zach smirking? That jerk just knocked me on my face. Was he even cute? I don't think so, wait maybe he was... I cant remember.

All I know now is that I have to get Owen his coffee before he has a tantrum.

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