Chapter Seven

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"What's happening now?! Come on, one of you move!" Zach shouted from behind us while Gray and I watched the live feed.

Gray didn't take his eyes off the screen, "No way!"

"That's it!" Zach shouted while lifting Gray off the seat he was kneeling on.

Zach then took his place beside me. Our faces were practically touching.

I would have intervened before and told Zach that he should stop being rude to his little brother but I couldn't. I was too focused on my own brother.

So far Owen has just been following the raptors on his motorbike along with Barry and a bunch of soldiers.

"They're slowing down! We must be close!" Barry yelled over the feed.

Holy hell in nervous.

"Aunt Claire I can't see!" Gray screamed.

Claire glared at Zach and I "Gray just sit in your seat and wait, your too young to watch this anyway!"

"But there's only two seats back here! And if you couldn't tell they're taken by the lovers!" Gray hollered.

"Gray!" Zach and I yelled in unison.

"I mean, my brother! And- uh- Dani." retorted Gray.

Claire sighed "Fine just come up here and sit with me- but when I say look away I mean look away!"

Gray opened the doors and scrambled out of the van, followed by him slamming the doors shut behind him.

So now it was just Zach and I in the back of the van, our faces awkwardly touching while we watch the live feed. Romantic I know.

"Oh god." Claire breathed.

I was too busy thinking about Zach's face touching mine that I had totally not been paying attention to the feed!

Everyone was totally still and all had their guns pointing at something.

That something was the Indominus Rex, I didn't see it at first because it was camouflaged into all of the vines and trees.

It took a few steps forward so I could see it perfectly on the screen.

The raptors started to make loads of noises at each other and then at the Indominus.

I heard Barry's voice again "Something's not right, they're communicating."

I then heard my brothers voice "Now I know why they wouldn't tell us what's in it, that thing is part raptor."

All of the raptors then turned around and their eyes locked on one person. Owen.

I heard my brothers voice again "Heads up, raptors got a new alpha."

The raptors then darted towards all of the humans.

Oh crap.

"Okay! Okay! Everybody buckle up! Now!" Claire screamed while throwing the tablet aside.

"But-" Zach and I screamed.

"Shut it!" Claire screamed back while closing our little window.

Zach and I both turned around so we could sit properly in our seats.

"I guess this is the part where we hold hands." I smirked but I'm totally panicking inside.

Zach smirked back, "Well if we have to."

He then took my hand in his. Honestly it made me feel a lot calmer.

Zach cleared his throat to say something but was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass coming from behind us.

Dorks // Zach MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now