Chapter Eight

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As Hoskins got closer to us a bunch of other guys appeared and started to pack away lots of lab equipment into containers.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked.

Hoskins took another step closer "I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey."

Claire looked frustrated, "Then where's Henry?"

"Doctor Wu works for us now." Hoskins mused.

I glanced to a computer screen on my right that was literally showing genetic blueprints for the Indominus Rex.

I nudged Zach and Gray and tilted my head toward the screen.

Gray took a step forward, "That's not a real dinosaur."

"No, but somebody's gotta make sure this company has a future, imagine that one a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, capable of hiding from the most advanced military technology, a living weapon unlike everything we've ever seen!" Hoskins laughed.

So this douche manipulated the genetics team to create his own little weapon! He doesn't even care how many people were injured or killed in the process.

I took a step forward towards Hoskins and coincidentally my brother did the same, looks like Owen is angrier than I am because I can totally see a vein popping out of his forehead.

I was about to yell something but was interrupted by a raptor scream coming from my left. It was Delta.

Owen reached his arm out and pushed me behind him.

Delta's eyes were glued on Hoskins and she began to slowly move towards him.

Hoskins began to panic "Easy! Easy! Easy boy! Easy!"

Delta was now standing in front of us and had Hoskins cornered up against two glass doors.

With the rest of us hiding behind Owen, we all started to move towards two doors that will make a quick and easy exit.

"Hey! Hey! We're on the same side! Right buddy!" Hoskins pleaded to Delta while raising his right hand.

Oh god never raise your hand like that so close to an angry raptors mouth.

Suddenly, just as I predicted, Delta advanced on Hoskins' hand and bit it right off!

Owen took this as his chance to push us all through the doors and away from the blood bath and Hoskins screams.

We entered a glass corridor and ran about a metre to the right before Claire started shouting "No kids, this way!"

I took of running in the direction Claire said and was ahead of everybody else.

I heard Owen let out a strange noise of panic followed by "Dani!"

I whipped my head around to see what was wrong when I heard glass shatter behind me.

Delta had literally run through the glass right in front of me!

I let out a yelp and felt Zach grab my arm and pull me in the other direction.

We headed for the stairs that led to the 'Hammond Creation Lab' with Delta hot on our heels.

When running past the 'Holoscope' machine Gray hit a button on it which caused a large hologram of a Dilophosaurus to appear.

On my final look back before exiting through the main doors I saw that the hologram had distracted Delta. Nice move Gray.

Owen and I sprinted down the steps of the innovation centre, closely followed by Zach, Gray and Claire.

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