December 16th to 20th

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Part Two.

December 16th.

"Oh honey." - My mom said as she first saw me climbing down the stairs. She smiled big from ear to ear, clapping her hands in excitement. - "Oh my God, I've been waiting for you to wake up. Louis was here a bit ago and he told me you kissed!" - She squealed.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned.

"He told you?" - I mumbled, cursing under my breath. - "Why?"

"Oh darling! It's not like I don't know you two. I could tell from the moment he rang my bell that something was different." - She smirked. - "And you got home very late last night. It's not difficult to put two and two together."

"It was just a kiss." - I murmured, walking past her and going straight to the kitchen, ready to make my much needed morning coffee.

She hummed.

"Well, then I guess Louis is a liar."

"What?" - I arched an eyebrow.

"He said you spent all night together talking about everything, and that then you kissed him very passionately. And then, before you both went separate ways he kissed you again goodbye." - She smirked. - "So that makes it two kisses and a date."

"Just two kisses, then. Not a date."

"It did sound like a date." - She smirked. - "Are you seeing him again today? I think he came here to give you something this morning, but I told him you were still asleep."

"I'm not planning on seeing him, no." - I said as I started the coffee maker.

"Why not?" - She frowned.

"Because..." - I sighed. - "Louis and I are in the past, okay? Last night was... a goodbye kiss, sort of. A closure? I don't know. Anyways, it's not happening again. And again, it wasn't a date."

"Harry." - She frowned. - "You can't do that."

"Do what?" - I asked as I reached up to pick a mug form the shelves.

"Break his heart again!"

"Excuse me?" - I stopped my actions, turning to her.

"He was very excited about last night. And now you're telling me it meant nothing to you?"

"I didn't say that."

She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What did it mean to you?"

"I..." - I turned around, giving her my back as I poured the coffee in a mug. Without looking at her, I continued speaking. - "Louis was very important to me. You know that. And... of course there's still feelings involved." - I shrugged. - "But nothing else can happen with him, because I'll be gone by Tuesday next week, and he'll continue his life here."


"No, mom." - I turned to her and said firmly. - "It's a no. And I don't want to keep talking about him."

"Okay." - She nodded, unconvinced.

"Thank you."


The doorbell rang around four in the evening when my mother was away at the bakery.
And at that moment, I hoped it wasn't Louis on the other side of that door. I could have handled anyone else, but definitely not him.

Hope is the last thing ever lost, right?

Though, I had a feeling the only person in this town that actually wanted to see and talk to me was exactly the person I wanted to avoid at all costs.

Another Christmas In Town [L.S] - Short StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon