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Katsuki pushed izuku off and backed away to the edge of the bed „The izuku i know is caring and he wouldn't kill anybody for me, the real izuku is a hero"

Izuku chuckled softly, a dark look taking over his gaze. "Oh Kacchan, the person you know doesn't exist. He never has. I only did that so I could get closer to you, you know.." The dangerous greenette spoke truthfully, his emerald green eyes turning a darker shade of green now, not as vibrant and sweet, still handsome, but more menacing.

„izuku. If you won't explain right now then im gonna go get Aizawa Sensei!" Katsuki started to back away but he hit the wall then he looked at izuku starting to get scared

Izuku sat up now and moved closer on the bed to Katsuki. He put his own hands onneither side of Katsuki's head and against the wall, leaning there over the blonde. "Kacchan, to put it simply, I'm no hero, and I never will be. I'm actually an underground villain~" he says before suddenly gently covering the blonde's mouth with a hand softly. "Oh, and before you get any ideas about screaming for help, let alone about. Going and getting any, just know, I have the ability to take out as many lives as needed in order to secure you.." he warns with a dangerous smile.

Katsuki after hearing it started to activate his quirk in thinking of an escape from izuku as had no other way of getting some help.

(Btw {..} is thinking)

{i have to get away from here. Otherwise it won't end good and he might actually harm or hurt somebody or even me, lets see. I could run to the balcony then fly off maybe but what if he caught me? Eh. I will have to rely on luck and stratedy of an hero}
Katsuki then proceed to do what he has thoughts as he pushed izuku away and ran to the balcony Izuku let him go, giving him a good headstart. "So a game if cat and mouse it is then~" he purred, waiting till Katsuki was well off of the school campus before be used blackwhip to launch himself into the air, flying high into the sky and looking around for the fast moving blonde.

"There you are, Kacchan~" he says, spotting him down the next street already and moving fast. He uses his quirk to burst through the air, hurling himself in the blonde's direction. "Come on, Kacchan, come play with me~" he called in a childlike manner, taunting him.

Katsuki used his explosions to move faster as he flew away from izuku's sigh or as he thought.
Katsuki flew inside one of the buildings which was a club and put on a hood before trying to hide im the crowd and hoping izuku won't find him. That's when he saw izuku out of the window walking over searching for him so he looked away and then did go hide in the bathroom where he hid in one of the stall's where izuku wouldn't search and that's what katsuki thought as he tried to think of an plan

Izuku watches as Katsuki disappears behind the doors of a club. "Oh Kacchan, when will you learn? You can run from me, but you can't hide~" he says to himself with a smirk before walking right in the club. The guards seemed to pay him no mind, as if this was a normal place for him to hang out.

He walks up to the bar and flashed some cash to the bartender there. "I'm looking for a friend of mine, he should've just come in here a few minutes ago. Have you seen him?" He asks calmly as she served him a drink which he sipped slowly while he waited.

"Y-yes sir, I think he went towards the back" she confessed without hesitation, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

"Very good, you get a free pass today, Eva~ Now why don't you go check on him for me? His name is Bakugo. Tell him somebody wanted to talk to him at the bar. And Eva, dont keep me waiting~" he spoke so calmly it was scary. Even people nearby him were cautious of not bumping into him.

Eva gave a quick nod and hurried towards the back to where the restrooms were. She entered the room, thankfully, nobody else was in there. "U-um, is there a Bakugo in here?" She called out nervously.

Katsuki then came out of one of the many stalls and walked up to her „That's me, is there anything wrong?"
Katsuki looked at her confussed and curious of why she knew he was there or his name even tho he didn't register and ran past the guards
{something isn't right, how did she knew i was hiding here, she must have seen me run past her but i had my hood on so maybe she didn't recognize me and wanted to make sure. Ugh, i can't think of any solution}

"Oh good, there's somebody important at the bar that would like to talk to you" she explained, sounding and looking visibly relieved that he was there.

„Someone waiting on me? I don't know anybody here in the club and i came alone-„
Katsuki then realised and backed away „he found me didn't he- shit!" Katsuki ran out as he covered his face and hair with the hood and noticed izuku as noticed izuku staring into his eyes also but katsuki looked away immediantly and ran up to an bartender before jumping over the lad and hid under the lad hoping that izuku haven't saw him as he slowly slid money to the bartender to keep it quiet.

The woman went pale and tried to stop him, running after him, only to stop as he suddenly jumped the bar top to hide.

Izuku noticed her and beckoned her over to him with a finger. He still looked far too calm.
The woman was crying now as she approached him. By this time, the club was quieting down to a soft murmur.

The bartender at the other end if the bar noticed how Izuku's eyes had been on Katsuki when he came in the room and jumped the bar sliding him money to not say anything. "You idiot! You'll get us all killed!" He hissed in whisper to the blonde, sho ing the money back to him, he was a bit to tell Izuku where he was, when the greenette spoke, and the entire place went dead silent.

"You know, I remember asking you very nicely to bring him to me. Look now, is he sitting beside me? Is he, Eva?" He asks the woman.

Trembling and sobbing, the woman answered. "I-I'm sorry..! Please! He ran from me, I didn't know what else to do! Please sir, it won't happen again I swea-!" She was cut off by Izuku holding her in the air, using blackwhip to tightly bind her throat.

"I've given you plenty of chances to make up for displeasing me last time. However...Kacchan, if you'll come out quietly, I'll allow this woman to live another day" he spoke to her first, sipping his drink casually, before he addressed Katsuki, knowing damn well where he'd hidden. He'd watched him the whole time after all.

Katsuki looked at the situation from under the lad as he looked at the helpless woman before letting out a sigh and walking out before running up to izuku and pointing a finger at him with a mad face „Let her go now.
She's helpless and scared.."

Izuku turned his gaze to Katsuki slowly, a calm smile on his face. "Ya know what Eva did the other day?" He asks, making the woman tremble and choke more.
"Eva here, thought it would be funny to make fun of some of the kids who went to UA. and guess who she made fun of with her girlfriends? You, Kacchan. I couldn't let that stand, so I threatened to kill her. She didn't believe me and told me off. And so when I showed my true strength, she cowered like she is now." He pauses and drops her suddenly, causes her to cough and gag as she intook air once more.

"But, since you were so kind enough to come out if hiding, I'll let her live, for now. Now, come, sit beside me, we'll order something nice to eat" he says, suddenly wearing a more friendly, cheerful smile. The woman hot up immediately and went behind the counter, getting back to work, despite the red stripes now on her throat.

(There been a lot of people wanting me to continue so here is the shoutout
It was my pleasure to welcome you guys)

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