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„I been made fun of and bullied in the past so its normal for me now. What isn't normal for me is you trying to kill people just because of a ‚little' obsession on me, she needs to rest and calm down as well as get some medical help thats why we are not ordering food or any drinks until she gets the rest she deserves and then maybe i will go on a date with you"

Katsuki said that as he sat down on the seat beside izuku then turned around so he wasn't facing him and waited for izuku to make his decision as then closed his eyes and waited patiently

Izuku stared at him long and hard before sighing softly. "Fine, Kacchan. If that's what you really want.." he says, waving her away to go home, some of her girlfriends with her in an instant. He gives them all a warning glare and one of them nods in understanding.
"Now, about that date. Where would you like to go, Kacchan?" He asks softly.

Katsuki turned around to look at izuku as he then blushed a bit and took his hand as he hold it „I don't want you to spend your money on me so we can go to my house and there i can cook the food for us"

Izuku's eyes were still the new deeper green,  but they looked more friendly as he listened to Katsuki,  taking note how the blonde was blushing. "Okay Kacchan, that'll be fine. Are your parents home right now?" He asks casually,  gently squeezing Katsuki's hand once his own was held by the blonde. „They arent because they are on a vacation for a month, that's why i been staying in the dorms in U.A"
Katsuki then smiled softly as he stood up as he ruffled izuku's hair then led him outside as walked beside him

Izuku purred at the affection that was blessed upon his head by the blonde. He stood and walked out with the blonde hand in hand, smiling from ear to ear. "That does make sense. Heh, you sure did do a 180 on me there. Went running away from me to willingly willing to spend time with me? You're not pretending now that you know the real me, are you?" He asks, his grin just barely glinting with danger as they walked towards their old neighborhood.

„Even if i wanted to hate you or ignore you then i just can't. Sometimes i get afraid of you because then you act more crazier and tend to hurt me but even tho that happens i just can't seem to fall out of love" Katsuki looked peaceful as he walked down towards the old neighborhood as he then leaned his head closer to izuku and rested his head to izuku's shoulder
„I like the real you, i don't even mean the pretending, the real you is the one who wouldn't hurt or yell at me"

Izuku sighed softly as he listens to the blonde talk, leaning his own head against his as they walked. "I feel the same way. I used to think the way I loved you was unhealthy when I was younger, so I tried going out with others, but I couldnt stop thinking about you. You're all I've ever wanted, Kacchan. As for my personality? That is the real me, yes, but it's only part of it. For you see, I want to hurt you, watch you crying, hurting, panting, moaning for me. I want to watch you bleed even! But I also want to cherish, love, and protect you at all costs." He admitted as they neared Katsuki's home. It was a short walk from where they had just come from. Katsuki listened to izuku as he blushed darker shade of red and then looked up at him „if you want then we can hang out a bit more time so that we get used to being around together also i won't tell aizawa sensei about anything that happened.
Only. If you let me hang out with others still and learn how to remain calm"
Katsuki said before noticing his house and smiling as he took his keys out and walked up to the door before opening and letting izuku walk inside „just remember to take your shoes off"

Izuku listened to Katsuki and frowned slightly before sighing softly. "I can't promise that I'll always be calm, no matter how hard I try, Kacchan. You do tend to drive me wild, whether you mean to or not. As for your friends, i suppose i can allow it, but don't be surprised if i get jealous of them." He warned as he entered the house with Katsuki, nodding and removing his shoes carefully before stepping up on the wooden floor in his socks, looking around.
"Haven't been here since I was a little kid.." he says softly.

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