chapter 1

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" papa no! Please Ты делаешь мне больно! " (You're hurting me!)

" Adeline! "

I let out a gasp and immediately sat up, looking around the room frantically, I stopped my movements when Kate held my hand

"Hey, it's okay, you with me," She says with a soft voice.

I placed my trembling hands in my chest to calm myself down and took deep breaths, I realized I was in my small bedroom with Kate, and not home with dad

" i-im sorry, did I bother y-you? " I asked, looking up as met her eyes, I saw the excitement and yet happiness in her

" no! But guess what! " Kate says as I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion, she then revealed two tickets in her hand and made me look at it

Tokio Hotel Concert Ticket
Los Angeles, California. 7 pm to 12 am

A wide grin spread across her face, it was a concert ticket from her favorite band

" Mom bought two tickets! You're coming with me! " she explains, I smiled as she couldn't help but not to throw her arms around me and hug me tightly

I giggled and hugged her back. Knowing that she's been dreaming of attending their concert someday

Although it was the first concert I'll ever attend, and I'm glad that Kate is with me. I don't know who are the members of Tokio Hotel, but I can say that their voice is really good since Kate always plays their song on the radio and never get tired of it

I asked Kate when the concert was and to my surprise, it was today before could open my mouth to speak, Kate's mother Catherine called us for breakfast

Arriving at the dining room, I greeted Catherine as we took a seat, and she served the meal at the table. I could never be more thankful to my best friend, she saved me from my nightmares

Growing up I spent my days locked inside a house, alone, and coldness is all I could remember. My dad is a middle-aged man, and all I can say about him is that he's dangerous...

Dangerous than any person could think of. He has his men around the place, protecting him while he does his dirty work to earn cash in his hands.

And my mom is the kindest woman I've ever met, she protected me from Dad even tho she was the one who ended up getting hurt.

One night, he decided to kill Mom on her birthday and married his mistress after a week.

I can't forget it from my mind, whenever I hear the sounds of rain and thunderstorms in the sky, all I can think about is my mom's lifeless body on the ground

And since dad got married to another woman who's younger than him. She used him for money, and his dark side turned to me next.

" what your mother suffered, you'll suffer it too "

the words I always remember him telling me, and even up to this day, it still hunts me.

And so when I turned fifteen years old, a maiden in our house helped me escape. It wasn't easy at all when the guards surrounded the place, but when I made my way out, I finally saw freedom

She gave me her money and told me to go to the airport where her older son was waiting for me.

And they flew me out of the country until I settled in America and built a new beginning

He was with me the entire time, reassuring me that I was finally safe. He gave me a bunch of papers and new personal information.

I found out he changed my information so my dad couldn't track me, and it was the happiest thing I could ever ask for

Then I met Kate and her mom, they decided to let me live in their house with a separate bedroom and since then, Kate and I treated each other like sisters. A year has passed and I'm now sixteen years old

I haven't heard any news about my disappearance in the news, but for me

it's a good thing knowing that Dad isn't searching for me. I continued living with Kate and her mom, I even started going to high school with her too.

Even though I'm away from my dad, the trauma and fear remains

I'm no longer Valentina Maurice Nikolaí

I was now Adeline Wright


As Kate parked her car in the driveway, she turned off the radio that was playing Tokio Hotel songs again, I grabbed the few shopping bags and headed inside the house with her.

"Hello, girls! How was your time together? " I smiled as Catherine walked over to me and placed a kiss on my cheeks making me giggle. As I give Kate the bags

" it was good, we had a good time together " She replies wiggling her eyebrows at me while I watch her make her way upstairs

I can't help but not to laugh as Catherine pats my back softly.

I followed Kate to her room as she pulled out the clothes she purchased from the store and tried them on.

" so... What they're like? " I asked and crossed my legs while I sat on her bed, Kate laughed as she looked at herself in the mirror

" they're very amazing Adeline, you'll like them " Kate replies as I notice the entire time I was out with her, she was very excited

" they like girls who are sexy and pretty like you... Tom, the guitarist. He easily make girls fall to their knees just by smirking at them, so be careful! " while explaining, she the s around and faced me. I can't help but not to giggle and nodded my head

I was still not used to being in such a crowded place

" be careful when he sets his eyes on you... If he did, he'll never stop just to have you "



Hello everyone! Author here, and yes this is a new story! I know I've already published some of my stories and promised to continue updating them when I can, for now. I want to give some of my time for my new story Adeline


Mention of abuse, mention of D3ath, trauma, use of drugs, mention of breeding, and LOTS of smut in this story and many more!

I'm sorry to the Kaulitz brothers' fans because my knowledge about the twins is not much, but I'll try my best to always give each of my readers a good experience through my story!

And I want to remind everyone because it's slightly annoying me. ALL of my OC characters are 'innocent'!!!, I don't want to read or see any comments saying 'why she's being like that?', 'why she's being so weak?', 'Can't she stand for herself?'

All of my stories have slight dd\lg on them, okay?!!!

But like I said, and I'll promise. I will give each of my readers the best experience through my story

- thank you!!!!

Adeline | Tom Kaulitz ✓Where stories live. Discover now