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Malfoy Manor was as tall and imposing as the people who owned it.

In the opulent foyer with a glass of champagne in hand, Antares hadn't left the side of Vita and Adrian. Both wizards flanked the eldest MacMillan child, eyes surveying the party from their place in the hall. Together, the trio felt just as they were when they were students at Hogwarts. Antares had already greeted many familiar faces among the guests, but as he sipped his champagne, he couldn't help but feel different about it.

They weren't students anymore. The faces around them belonged to adults with agendas and reputations to uphold. Antares was one of them. While he did mean to enjoy himself tonight, this was a perfect opportunity to collect information for the Order. However, as he caught the joy on Adrian's face, he decided it could wait.

The Malfoy family had spared no expense in transforming their home into a dazzling display of luxury. The party was a grand affair. The chandeliers cast a pure, silver glow over the room, and decorations graced every inch of the manor. The soft murmurs of conversation and the clinking of crystal glasses created a symphony of sound.

Near the grand staircase, Antares saw Lucius Malfoy dressed impeccably in black and silver robes. The elder Malfoy moved with an air of authority, greeting guests with a charming smile. On his arm was his wife, Narcissa, who looked radiant in a matching silver gown. If Antares looked past them, he could see Draco and his entourage, minus Crabbe and Goyle. For once, the young Malfoy seemed to be genuinely happy. He couldn't help but think that being removed from Hogwarts might have contributed to his cousin's improved mood.

Antares caught himself.

Since when did he start referring to Draco as his cousin? The term had slipped into his thoughts effortlessly. To accept Draco as such meant acknowledging that he was a part of his father's family— to acknowledge that he was a Black. Antares started to feel his head spin, and not because of the champagne. He was a Kelly by name, by choice. He didn't need to be anything else, and he certainly didn't want to—

A light touch on his arm brought him back to the present. Vita and Adrian stared at him with concerned glances, clearly aware of his internal debate.

"Are you back with us, Lu?" Vita asked patiently.

"You drifted off on us, mate," Adrian murmured, lowering his arm back to his side.

"Sorry," Antares said half-heartedly, sipping his champagne. "What were you saying?"

"Nothing important," the blonde reassured, "unless you count Oya Zabini staring at you from across the room as important."

On instinct, Antares immediately ducked his head.

Adrian chuckled, his tone amused. "Smooth, mate. Real smooth."

Antares raised an eyebrow. "Are you two trying to play matchmaker now? I thought we were here to enjoy the party, not discuss my love life."

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