Chapter 5

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"Oh... JK is going to throw a fit."

Taehyung said, leaning back on the sofa.

"He is going to be living."

Hoseok also commented from another sofa.

"That kid had lots of hops." Namjoon also said so from Jin's side. His voice was filled with sadness for the maknae.

All the members of BTS except the younger one in question were at the reception hall of Big Hit. They all handed in their schedules for vacations.

Yes, you heard it right. They had scheduled vacation. That was something any of them hadn't expected. And something the production crew decided to pull off at the last minute.

"This is not working." Taehyung's voice was confident. "He is not going to come."

"But the production crew already has all planned." Yoongi pointed monotonously. He had been in a grumpy mood the whole week. "He cannot say no now."

"Something they planned even without bothering to say our word." Jin said disdainfully. Jin's usual lemon scent was turning sour. "We also have our own plans."

"Baby, calm down." Namjoon rubbed soothing cycles on his mate's arm, trying to calm him down.

"Don't do baby on me." The older omega snapped. "We had been planning this vacation for ages. Now, finally, after we got everything sorted out, they are saying they had planned our vacation."

No one had ever seen the older be mad like this. If they all thought Jungkook was the one who got annoyed hearing the news, they all had it wrong. It was Seokjin who was close to exploding.

"Hey, calm down. This is vacation. You can enjoy this."

The production director, whom they had ignored for the past few minutes, spoke. That person might have thick skin to still keep a calm face after they spoke like he was not here.

"Enjoy! How could we enjoy this when there were fucking cameras everywhere?"

Everyone was shocked by the older's swearing. Seokjin was the one who always kept his cool. But now he was pissed beyond belief.

That calm director's face changed a little bit. But soon he returned to his polite face and started to explain.

"Listen... I know this is hard, but this is your job. You have to..."

"What was going on here? Why have you all called me this early?"

A voice was heard as the door opened. Of course, that was the missing member. Dressed in a loose sweater and denim, Jungkook stood by the doorway. His eyes were on the tension in the room. Their small pack had a burning odor of sour lemons mixed in with other distressing odors. He couldn't understand what had worked up his usual calm hyungs so much.

He had been happy with his family when he got a call from their manager, Sejin, asking to come to Big Hit for a meeting. And he was super annoyed calling back to work on the first day of his vacation. He didn't know what was going on. But whatever this stupid meeting was about, he wanted to finish it as soon as possible so he could go back. He had promised to paint with Minji today. And he didn't want to keep his princess waiting.

"What is this all about?"

He asked, walking towards the sofa where all his hyungs were seated. He noticed the director of their programs, Mr. Kim Jisung, and their manager, Sejin, were also there.

"Here, look at yourself."

Oldest said throwing a program schedule at him. Thanks to quick reflexes, the youngest caught it effortlessly.

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