Chapter 6

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When Jungkook came to his penthouse, he was greeted by two angry pups.

"You're late."

The angry princess greeted with a frown on her beautiful face.

"You make Jini angry."

The other one wasn't second to his twin.

"I'm sorry. I promise to play an extra hour for that. Can you forgive Uncle Kookie? Pretty please!"

Young Alpha decided to use his powerful weapon. The doe eyes. And it seemed to work. Little eyebrows for Minji creased as she thought hard.

"Okay." She finally agreed. "But you have to first paint with me. Then play ball with Juni."

"Yes, Your Highness! This lowly servant is for all your service." Jungkook saluted in a serious way.

The little girl giggled and ran away to get ready her painting tools with her twin on heels. Jungkook also smiled at the antics of the young lady. Oh, he was so happy to be with them.

"You back." Jimin came out of the kitchen, hearing them. "How was the meeting?"

A dark cloud spread on Jungkook's face as he remembered the stressful meeting he had this morning. But he soon erased it, not wanting to alarm his hyung much.

"I will tell you later."

But the expression on the older's face said he knew there was something off. But he didn't push it.

"Okay. Don't make so much mess."

The rest of the morning flew by with Jungkook playing with twins. He first painted with little Minji and then played soccer with Minjun. It was fun, and everyone was tired after eating the delicious lunch made by Jimin and little chef Litian.

After lunch, Jimin put all the children in bed for nap time. They all went without protesting since they had all been tired from morning activities and restless sleep last night.

"What happened in the meeting?"

Jimin directly entered the topic.

They were in the living room. Jimin had various documents spread around him as he worked on them on the floor while the younger munched on the slices of apple sitting on the sofa.

"They want us to shoot on vacation as a promotion." Jungkook dropped the ball.

"Ah, when?"

Jimin kept reading the report in his hand. His eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated.

"The day after tomorrow?"

Jungkook rubbed his neck nervously. That was able to catch Jimin's direct attention. He turned back to face his younger brother.

"So our vacation is going to be canceled?"


Jungkook exclaimed. Then he remembered that the pups were asleep. So, he lowered his volume.

"I said I wasn't going."

"Kookie, you don't have to..."

Jimin started in a soothing voice. But the younger interrupted him.

"Hyung, why didn't you tell me?"


The older didn't know what Jungkook was asking.

"This is more serious than you are letting on." Younger elaborated. "If this continued, they could have..."

Jungkook couldn't finish the sentence. He didn't know how to say it. But even without him, the older knew what he meant. Omega's fingers tightened around the pen he was holding as sweet roses started withering.

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