Chapter 17: Memories, Melodies, and Marital Musings

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Colin woke with a groan, the events of last night still so fresh in his mind that his affliction was back with a vengeance. And though Benedict had set his mind to rest on certain aspects...

When you are standing in front of an attractive young woman who is also attracted to you, he'd said, it's the hardest thing in the world to resist. Your body is tempted to do what the both of you want, often beyond your mind's will to forbid it.

...he was also to blame for what Colin did the moment he entered his room. It was Benedict's gift that made him do the thing he swore he would not do again. He had very determinedly imagined Mother scolding him, the vicar also joining in, then Anthony in a very ruffled dress berating him as well, but none of it had stopped him from unrolling Benedict's Christmas present and using it in a manner that he was sure his brother had not intended.

It was a very good likeness of Penelope — almost too good. It captured her with a slight smile and a sidelong glance, as if she'd just said something clever and was quite pleased with herself. That thought led to him thinking of whether his clumsy fumblings could make her extremely pleased with herself... Well, there was nothing else for it then.

And this was after he'd done the very same thing in the library, her scent still lingering around him as he remembered her moans and sighs, his cock in a death-grip. It was the only thing that had stopped him from opening that door and chasing Penelope and her teasing laugh up the stairs. After, he cleaned himself up with his cravat and put the mistletoe sprig she'd defeated him with in his pocket.

He wasn't sure if he dreaded the sight of the stuff or wanted it everywhere.

He turned over, glaring at the drawing, partially rolled back into itself on his nightstand now. He wondered about Ben's gift to Pen. Eloise had described it as "romantic looking" and he wondered if that meant she was as tempted by his likeness as he was by hers. Could girls even...

Well, he knew they could. Ben had actually assured him of it once, and he should know, but did girls like Penelope do it?

Oh, God! His affliction was growing more urgent at the thought.

It didn't help that he could see a bit of her smile in that illicit illustration even now. It had looked so sweet and innocent when he first looked upon it, but then he saw her eyes and it seemed more teasing, the little vixen.

He could imagine that smile growing wider as she neared him, then turning to a laugh as she ran away as he'd ordered her to last night. He'd give chase this time, of course. She wanted him to. How could he help it?

He couldn't help it, not in his fantasy and not in reality. His hand slid down his chest before he gripped himself and...

"Good morning, Mr. Bridgerton."

...and let himself go immediately, sitting up and putting a pillow over his lap. "Manning. Why so early?"

"Your mother ordered that all should rise early today," his valet said blandly as he pulled open the curtains. "The day is slightly warmer and she believes all should enjoy the snow. I think a sledding expedition is being planned."

Well, at least the thought of his mother's orders was working today. Colin stood and stretched, his affliction gone for now. He might have been weak yesterday, but today he would be strong.

He stopped Manning in the middle of clearing his pockets. "Wait! Not that!" He rushed forward and dug through the candied nut wrappers in his valet's hands, plucking out the sprig of mistletoe. Maybe he was a sentimental fool, but he'd rather like to keep the thing. "There. You can toss the rest."

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