28:No one like Arshia

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The disturbance could be felt in the atmosphere as Arshia strolled around the palace. Even servants had hanged faces and some where not even acknowledging the queen of Anga passing right beside them. The thought of Duryodhana being the king of Hastinapur depressed everyone.

"Angrani,you are requested by Rajkumari Krishnaa in her chamber" A dasi,out of blue,said. Arshia nodded at the maid and walked to Draupadi's chamber.

Upon entering the chamber,the first thing she saw was the Pandavas grave and saddened expressions. Yudhishthir sat on a couch, opposite to that of Draupadi,who was also sitting. Bheem had zoned out,Arjun was playing with the tip of his angavastra,Nakul was thinking something and Sahadev was blankly leaning on the wall.

Draupadi was the first one to notice that they were in presence of another soul. A forced small smile made up her face as she stood up and greeted Arshia. Each of the Pandavas took notice of Arshia and stood stern and firm on their places.

"Pranipat Bhabhishree,you requested me?" Draupadi nodded.

"Arshia,Mahamahim Bhishma considers you the epitome of dharma,the face of dharma and you are also well known for it. What shall we do in this situation?" Draupadi asked.

Arshia was, momentarily, caught off guard by the question. How could she give advice on this situation when the son of Dharmraj is present in the room?!

"Bhabhishree,your eldest husband in the son of Dharmraj himself. How could you ask me this question?" Arshia said softly.

"It doesn't matter who is whose son at the moment Arshia. What matters now is,you are what pitamah wants to see on the throne. You are the only person who can help us through this phase,Arshia" Bheem said. Arshia turned her gaze to Bheem and said "It doesn't matter if Mahamahim wants me to sit on the throne,it will be either bharta Yudhishthir or Rajkumar Duryodhana."

Taking a pause,she continued

"I don't know what kind of situation you all landed to that you all had to marry bhabhishree Draupadi but it must have been huge if even bhrata Yudhishthir agreed-"

Bheem cut Arshia off by saying "Why doesn't everyone think like you do,Arshia?Why does everyone consider this adharm?" His anger flared.

"Because,from the society's perspective,you all are adharmi. I don't know why it is normal for a king or a man to marry more than one woman but it isn't normal for woman to do the same. I, personally,think that's wrong but it's only me who thinks this way. No one else would ever accept bhabhishree Draupadi having 5 husbands."

Arshia completed. She looked at Draupadi and put her hand on her (Draupadi) shoulder.

"It must be burdening that you are not accepted by Mahamahim but I, Vasudev Krishna's sakhi, promise you that with the time to come he will accept you,the society will accept,the upcoming ages and yugs will look upto you, considering you as an ideal woman." She comforted. Draupadi painfully smiled at her.

"But what now,Arshia?What will we do?We can't let bharta Duryodhana crowned king,that right is only our Jyesth's!" Nakul hurriedly said.

Arshia looked at all the Pandavas and said

"You have to defend your situation, strongly. For once,you have to forget you are going against your Pitamah. I know it's hard,I know it will appear as the biggest obstacle in your path but you all have to because you can't let Hastinapur drown because of adharm."

"How do you want us to go against pitamah's orders Arshia? That's impossible" Yudhishthir rebuted. Arshia sharply looked at him. "I am not asking you all to wage a war against him,bharta Yudhishthir. You can put your point softly in the royal court tommorow. "

"What's your opinion Panchali?" Bheem asked as all the attention now fell in Draupadi.

"I don't understand what Arya Yudhishthir is trying to say,Arya Bheem. Is the problem on Dharma or the problem because of Dharma?"

"For now,both Panchali. Rights are dharma and it is proving to be a problem. Orders are also dharma and it is also a problem." Yudhishthir answered.

Draupadi walked to her husbands and asked "If I have all your permission,I wish to speak a few words with Pitamah Bhishma"

The Pandavas walked to her with troubled expressions. It didn't take long enough for the Pandavas to agree to what Draupadi had suggested.

Draupadi turned to Arshia and asked "What about you,Arshia?Do you permit?" Arshia widened her eyes. "Permit?I am no one to permit you for anything. You have the permission of your husbands and that is enough for you" Draupadi shaked her head.

"You are involved in this battle,Arshia. You are with us. You are helping us when you know where your priorities should lie but you choose to go against your heart,just because of dharma. So,you are as important as my husbands are to me."

Arshia weekly smiled. Her priorities lie on the side of adharm,her priority should be Karna not the Pandavas but yet,she is here supporting what is right.

"As I said before,you are in the same position as my mother. You don't need permission from me. But if you insist,I will let you know...I am with you all in every step,every moment of life."

Draupadi gratefully smiled at her. Arshia joined her hands and said "May I have the permission to leave?I have to meet Angraj"

Bheem's face soured at the mention of Karna. Nakul and Sahadev looked away and Arjun frowned. Yudhishthir was somewhat unborthered. Even Draupadi's face fell.

"Arshia, will it not be okay if you stay for a little while longer?" asked Draupadi. Arshia shook her head.

"I haven't met him from morning, bhabhishree. He is my husband after all."

"Okay,Arshia but you have to promise...that tommorow,in the royal court,when we prove our view you have to stand up for us not your husband." Arjun said boldly. He came forward and extended his palm.

A frown made up to her face as she thought "what kind of promise is that?Why would Karna say anything tomorrow ?" But none the less,she kept her palm on Arjun's and nodded at him.


"Bhabhi Arshia?" A thick voice stopped her. She turned around to see Duryodhana and Karna. She smiled at the two and greeted them.

"Where were you?Mitr Karna was looking for you" Duryodhana asked. Arshia turned her gaze to Karna,who held no expression.

"What is he?Karna's spokesperson?Oh no,it is the other way around" Arshia sarcastically thought.

"You could have asked the servents, Angraj" She said. Karna nodded at her,still showing no expression. Duryodhana turned around and asked "So did you ask?"

Karna hesitantly nodded. Arshia frowned,what was there to be hesitant?

"Then,where was my bhabhishree?" Duryodhana joked. Karna looked up at him and shaked his head. "I didn't require to call her. Mitr,I should be going. I have to talk to Arshia about something. Subh ratri"

Duryodhana returned the greeting and softly smiled at Arshia, walking away.

"What is it?" Arshia asked, seeking his attention but Karna paid her no attention and walked past her.



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