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The clock in the studio ticked away, each passing moment carrying the weight of creative frustration. Mark's fingers hovered over the guitar, his eyes on the computer, but the melody seemed elusive, lost in the recesses of his mind. Jia, sensing his struggle, set her pen down, the untouched paper reflecting her own uncertainty about the world of songwriting.

Mark sighed, his frustration palpable. "I can't seem to break through this block. It's like the ideas are there, but they slip away whenever I try to grasp them."

Jia, ever thoughtful, suggested, "Maybe we're putting too much pressure on ourselves. It's the first time for both of us, and creativity doesn't always follow a schedule. What if we take a step back and let the ideas come naturally?"

Mark looked skeptical, the urgency of the upcoming university competition still lingering in his mind. "But time is ticking, and we need something extraordinary for the competition. We can't afford to wait too long."

Jia, however, saw an opportunity in the midst of the challenge. "What if we view this as a journey rather than a race? We have four months until the competition. Instead of forcing it, let's spend time together, sharing our thoughts, experiences, and maybe the inspiration will come along the way."

Mark considered the idea, the weight of expectation slowly lifting. "You might be onto something. Okay, let's take it slow. What do you suggest?"

Jia's eyes lit up with a spark of spontaneity. "Well, since Christmas is just around the corner, how about we spend Christmas Eve together? No pressure, just good company, and who knows, maybe the holiday spirit will bring some inspiration."

Mark grinned, the idea of breaking away from the studio routine appealing to him. Jia does have a point, for the past few weeks he has been spending more time in the studio than with the people around him. He skipped dinners, parties and movie nights because he was stuck in this. All he had in his mind was music, competition and songs. "Christmas Eve it is, then. No songwriting pressure, just good vibes and maybe some holiday magic."

Mark couldn't resist his curiosity about Jia's poetry. With an eager glint in his eyes, he turned around, "I've heard about your poems before. Mind sharing one with me?"

Jia, ever the enigmatic poet, grinned mysteriously. She reached into her bag, retrieving a black-colored note which had the word "Dream" written on it in black cursive letters. Handing it to Mark, she said, "Consider yourself lucky, Mark Lee. Not everyone gets to read my poems."

Mark, smiled, intrigued by the aura of secrecy surrounding Jia's words, unfolded the note with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The script on the page delicately captured the essence of dreams. It was a poem that transcended the ordinary, delving into the realm where aspirations intertwined with the fabric of reality. Mark found himself captivated by the eloquence and depth of Jia's poetry.

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