Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One


I tried to remember what day it was. Sunday? Maybe? I sunk deeper into the leather couch at Derek's house. Man, I was messed up—stoned out of my mind, I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep for hours.

Chuckling, I stared at the haze floating in the room. Hell, a person could get mellow just from walking in here. I could barely make out the forms of other people lounging around the room. This was so bad.

My mind casually drifted to Cami, and I closed my eyes as a feeling of panic welled up inside me. If she ever saw me like this she'd probably run screaming in the other direction. That was a sobering thought.

I felt bad. She was working at the theater tonight, so I'd taken the opportunity to hit some people up. I knew she wouldn't approve in the least, and I hadn't intended to get this stoned, but things had gotten a little out of hand. One minute I'd been chillin' with Derek talking about casual stuff, the next he was selling me on the idea of starting to deal with him and how much money we could make if we expanded our reach a bit. He definitely had a head for his business and before I knew it, I was agreeing to it. Afterward Derek and I had gotten a little celebratory, and the party had escalated from there.

Cami couldn't find out. She'd never understand, and I'd never be able to explain why it was so enticing to me. I sighed. She was so beautiful—so good. I tried to keep hold of the picture of her swimming inside my mind, but it was difficult. I wished she was here—so much I could almost imagine her body pressed up against mine right now, the feel of her nuzzling my neck as her hands slid lower down my body, slipping into my waistband.

Whoa! My eyes popped open to find Gabrielle cuddled up against me, her hand traveling in a direction I had no desire for it to go.

"What the heck?" I said, pushing away. "Get off me!" I gave her what I hoped was a good glare, but I could tell she was pretty out of it.

"What's a girl gotta do to get your attention, Hunter?" she whined and poked out her bottom lip in a pout before collapsing against my chest.


I sighed. "I've noticed you fine, Gabby. You're just not my type." I shoved at her but she didn't budge.

"I'm everyone's type," she mumbled against my chest, and I felt her kiss me through my shirt. "You need to give me a chance to show you."

"Some other time, then. I'm with Cami now." I lifted my heavy arms in an attempt to push her away again, knowing there would never be a time I wanted this girl.

"I don't see her here anywhere. Come on, Hunter. It's not like you have to marry me. Let's just have a little fun together." She moved, straddling me, her hands grabbing the hem of my shirt and pushing it up.

I stared at her incredulously before I grabbed and shoved it back down. "Get off me. Now," I said with what I hoped was deadly calm.

She giggled. "Quit being such a baby. It'll be enjoyable."

"What part of no don't you understand?" I asked in exasperation.

She laughed some more. "The 'no' part." She bent and kissed the side of my face.

I shoved her hard enough to send her sliding backward off my knees onto the floor.

"Ow! That hurt!" she screeched, rubbing one of her knees.

Several other people in the room started laughing.

"It's not like he didn't warn you, though." Derek chuckled. "Come here, Gabby, baby. I'll take care of you."

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