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emotionally confused or uncertain.


Veneer was pissed. After you left, he began to pace back and forth in his room. The very room you were standing in just a few seconds ago. He didn't mean to be an asshole or anything of that nature, he was just annoyed. Not at you but at himself.

Veneer sighed loudly, his head banging on his closet door a few times before he laid down. He wanted to march his way to your and apologize to you but he thought you were probably mad at him and he had a throbbing head ache. So he waited until the morning.

Once the morning came, you were in Velvet and Veneer's dressing room doing Velvet's makeup. She had woken you up with a 'fashion emergency' but all she needed was help with her eye liner since Veneer was the one who would do it for her but he was nowhere to be found.

You were worried but you pushed the feeling away. You couldn't get a close look at her face when doing her eyeliner so she laid on the couch they had in a corner and you sat on her lap. Everything was going good until someone slammed the door open, causing you to flinch and mess up Velvet's eyeliner.

"Damn it!" You groan in frustration. It had taken you so much time and effort (about 5 minutes) to draw the line so perfectly and for someone to ruin it?! As you were about to scream at whoever had walked in, you saw Veneer. Your entire face dropped as he looked panicked. "Velvet have you seen [Name]??"

"Yeah, she's on top of me." Velvet responded. Her voice was deadpan as she tried to clean up the eye liner that wasn't supposed to be on her facewhile you spaced out staring at her brother. "Oh. Sorry I can come back." Veneer's face flushed pink as his eyes landed on you and started to back away.

"No!" You shout, clearing your throat. You almost fell trying to get off of Velvet as you kept your eyes on him. You realised what you said was weird so you rephrase it. "No, it's okay. What's up?"

"Can we talk outside in the hall?" Veneer questioned as he began to fiddle with his fingers, some of his velvet purple nail polish chipping away.

All you could do was nod as you followed him outside. From behind, you heard Velvet scoff and move herself to her vanity to continue her makeup.

You close the door so the two of you could have privacy. You glanced over towards Veneer but all you looked at was his back as he was turned around trying to grab something.

"So before you say anything, I'm really sorry for how I acted last night. I didn't mean to freak out on you. I just got a bit upset with myself and I feel super bad so I got you these." Veneer explained as he finally turned around, showing a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

Blinking a few times, you could feel your face curl into a big smile as you took a hold of the beautiful decorated bouquet and smelled them. Your eyes trail back up to Veneer so you could thank him. "Thank you. You don't have to apologize. I'm sorry if I did something to upset you but these are very pretty Ve."

As you focus on the flowers you were just given, Veneer continues to fiddle with his hands, switching which leg he puts pressure on before clearing his throat and looking at the ceiling. It had been a long time since you called him Ve since it was a nickname only you called him by.

"There's a little card somewhere in there." He pointed out, his finger pointing at the top of them. When hearing that, you begin to examine the flowers closer, picking up an envelope covered in tiny stickers that you thought were adorable.

You set the flowers down on the floor next to your feet so you don't drop them, reading the note carefully as you felt your face heat up. Your head shoots up to look at Veneer who couldn't stop smiling while his eyes stared at the flowers on the floor.

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