02: The wind that led

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As I continued to enter the messy dorm room, Yuzumi instructed me further. "Since you're still a student, depending on your schedule, you can do the laundry during your free time. But for the food, you can make them breakfast early in the morning and go to school together with them, if they want you can also make bento. The group has practices in the afternoon at the studio so be sure to give them food." As he babbled on the instructions, I wrote down all the things that needed to be remembered.

He proceeded to introduce me to the part of the dorms, instructing me as we went. All this is making me more nervous.

After showing me the gist of what to do, we bid our goodbyes. I decided to stop by a café before heading towards the mall to buy things I felt like buying things that interest me at least. Once reaching the café I ordered myself a cup of latte before sitting down at one of the booths. I took out my tablet and decided to do a little bit of research. Immediately, I searched up about the group beside my dorm room. 5wirl.

when I searched it up I immediately clicked the link. Scrolling through the articles. They were a group that became popular along with DCKZ. Debuting just a year ago, too. I eventually stopped scrolling and decided to ask my father about them when I get home since they work under my dad's company.

Switching to a different app, I started to mark out my schedule for this week on my calendar. One being is that I need to buy some new clothes since most of the ones I have in my closet are pajamas or usually indoors. But I'll be doing that tomorrow. Then the day after that I will go ahead to school to grab my schedule and also roam around the campus so I can get familiar with it and so I can discuss my schedule with the group.

Once I finished doing all that and as well emptying my cup, I kept my tablet in my bag and left the café to take a stroll around the city with extra caution. The loud noise of cars and chatter eventually irritated my ears because of the aids I have to remove for a while before I go crazy.


Now, let me start off with the fact I overslept. overslept because I stayed up all night reading a book. Ended up waking at 10:00 AM, both my parents went to work so had no one screaming in my face that I'm oversleeping at 10:00 when it was in fact 6:00 AM in the morning.

I got out of bed, washed my face, then went on to make myself some breakfast.

Since all I'll be doing is shopping for clothes and my parents won't be home until probably midnight cause work. I have some time to chill.

Scrolling through social media and checking my email, which was a good thing because the school sent me my schedule for this semester. As I munch on my food, I scrolled down through the stuff I'll be handling this year, minus the housekeeping.

So far, most of my classes last up until after lunch and parts of the week I have classes in the afternoon. Which was fine.

When I was done checking, I got up, washed my plate and other dishes I used before heading to the shower to take a bath so I could wake myself up from the tiredness. Trying to calm myself down in the process, the thought of the school year starting came over me. I'll be going out to socialise after being stuck in the house for the majority of my life. Communicating with people made it worse, I'm already socially awkward and at the same time, I'm deaf and mute. Sure my hearing aids can assist but loud noises irritate my ear and hurt my head.

But in the end, if I wanted to take over my dad's business (and give those people I hate a slap on the face) I needed to at least get used to the outside world even if I can't master it.

Cutting that talk off, I continued to prepare myself before heading to the mall. Wearing my hearing aids then walking out, I updated dad about what I'll be doing today and he offered to send his driver, but I rejected telling him that I can just take public transport like a bus or taxi.

. . .

When I arrived at the mall, I took my time finding some clothes that actually fit my style. Going through different brands and so on. Before I knew it... My hands were full and I needed to go home immediately so I could put these down.

The mall was pretty crowded, making it quite difficult to move around, probably because of the new school year that'll be happening in a couple of days. To spare myself, I stopped over to one of the terraces located at the mall so I can take a breather from that nasty crowd that's hard to move around, most especially with the amount of shopping bags I have. I should probably ask for an assistant from one of dad's drivers. Letting out a sigh, I took out my phone and did that.

I waited for a bit, removing my hearing aids to have some silence from the noise coming from the mall. Leaning at the railings while I watched the view from up here, it didn't take long for me to feel a presence from behind, turning around I immediately saw 2 men circling around me.

Well I'm in dip shit.

I tried to read their lips but I couldn't seem to understand, the smirk on their damn faces were enough to make me realize these fuckers are trying to get with me. I grabbed my bags and immediately made my full attempt to escape. That ended up being a failure as one of them grabbed my arm. Panicking, I squirmed around to try and escape.

I was able to get a glimpse of their angered expression, I shook my head, trying to tell them that I am not comfortable and don't want to go. They were... quite persistent and pushy. The panic made me tear up and I didn't know what to do in this kind of situation.

The wind passing by made me shiver, I couldn't help but take another attempt at freeing myself. Suddenly, a person went up to me, grabbing one of the man's hands that had been gripping my wrist painfully tight. He walked up in front of me, shielding me from them as I pulled my hand back.

The young man in front of me was only a couple of inches taller, but judging from the expression of the men, they were quite irritated at first, just like before I couldn't read their lips. Eventually, they backed off and walked away. He turned around and we made eye contact, I stared at his lips.

"Are you okay?"

He asked me, I nodded and bowed as a response. Thanking him for saving me. I watched as he walked away, I wasn't sure if he said something to me, but I definitely owe him.

I got home and flopped down on the bed, trying to calm down from what had just happened at the mall. Hugging my pillow tightly as I recall the person who had just saved me, ( I told the driver to pick me up on the same spot after that because of how scared I was). The young man's indigo colored eyes as he met mine... I recall his face being annoyed. But maybe if I meet him, I'll apologise and thank him properly.


Dad drove me to the school the next day so I could get my schedule and also check the campus. The school was quite big when we arrived, it had about 4 buildings along with a track and field soccer field, the gymnasium and the pool.

Since me and dad have some business after this, I hurried along and explored while he got some documents and spoke to the principal. One of the things I noticed was the stage in the middle of the track field. Must be during sports festivals or something.

I tried to memorise the place as much as I could, it was beautiful and pretty clean. I took out the map from my pocket and tried to study the places nearby that I can hopefully take a look at. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the paper out of my hands. The large windows by the hallway were open but I didn't expect the wind to be strong enough.

I followed the paper, extending my arm out until I was able to reach it and catch it. I found myself outside when I exited to the backdoor of one of the buildings. The gym was a few feet in front of me.

Checking the time, I still have about 10 minutes left before I could meet up with my dad. So I decided to check it out. Making my way to the gym, I touched the metal doors and took a peek.

At the stage, I saw 5 young men, smiling and it seemed that they were having fun. They were singing and dancing, too. I felt a tingle at the pit of my stomach, I can hear their music only for a little. They were performing with an empty audience, I couldn't help but feel like I was being sucked in by their singing, in addition to that... I feel more relaxed.

Safe and protected, as the wind touched my skin.

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