Chapter 1

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My breath seized and my heart clenched as the noise behind the door got louder and scarier like the burglar was making progress with trying to get into the house.

It was a Saturday morning and I was dressed to hit the gym when the sun came up. I was in the kitchen helping myself with a hot cup of coffee when I heard an ominous noise from the porch. I became weary because I knew my neighborhood was a mess. We've had a series of break-ins and murder cases from stalkers and weirdos so I thought it was one of them trying to break into my house early in the morning.

My eyes searched for a weapon, anything to defend myself if the intruder succeeded and all I could find was a kitchen knife. I sighed in resignation hoping it would go a long way.
I tiptoed to the living room shivering, I wasn't good at martial arts or any defense tactics at all but I just couldn't let them get to me defenseless.

I paused when the handle squeaked and the person behind the door pushed with such vigor that I screamed and she screamed in return.

"Wendy!!!" I cried when she switched on the light, my defense tool slipped off my hand and fell on the rug.

"Is that a knife?" She yelled, breathing desperately. "Are you that angry with me for staying out all night? It's just a party so get over it." Wendy casually said and walked towards her room.

I followed her "You didn't even think of letting me know that you were out and won't be back home. And why the heck were you breaking in instead of using your key?" I was red like a tomato.

Wendy turned and flipped her hands at me like I should already know. "I misplaced them," she said and swung her door right in front of me. If there was any other color deeper than red I turned to it at that moment.

Fuming, I grabbed my gym bag, muttering to myself that I wouldn't let my teenage cousin ruin my day. Knowing that she almost grew up in a tough environment where she would've had to watch her father get arrested and her mother abused until her death left me helpless.

Aunt Mary was a tough woman who just wanted to have a family like everyone. Her only mistake was choosing the wrong partner to start a life with and she paid for it with her life. Wendy was too young to remember their hideous fights, fight that had lingered to a much more brutal reflexes until her mother died from one. Rather she grew up knowing my mother as hers.

Before I could get to the door a message popped in and my heart hammered. At this point, I think I've developed a weak heart, every little thing scared me. It was a message from him, reminding me of our rendezvous today and time.

I thought of ignoring him and carrying on with my life as I wished but I knew the consequences of that, it was wild.

I wasn't as enthusiastic at the gym as I used to be. I occupied myself with little to nothing but constantly checking my phone to see if he canceled. It would be a relief to me if he did, He didn't.

After I got back from the gym, I got ready for my private meeting. I wore my Zara jeans and a silky shirt, they were of fine material and anyone who shopped at expensive stores would know their quality.

I wasn't one to put so much interest in the quality of things I wore but my job required that I wear them while attending meetings with CEOs, managers, and billionaires of different caliber. I worked as a secretary to the number one pharmaceutical company, Gardenia in New York City, and with no doubt my reputation precedes me.

I pushed back my hair and I stepped out of the elevator. My eyes searched through the gold tags on the doors by the hallway for room B16, I paused when I saw it, the room where my fate would be decided.

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