Chapter 5

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The next day at work, I bustled around the office hoping to get things done before my boss came to work.
The happiness I felt from yesterday's discovery hasn't left my body. That night when Mum called, I thought I was in a trance. I couldn't quite believe it myself until I saw her and when I did, it felt surreal.

I cried, hugged, and kissed the woman everywhere I could and when Wendy joined us we all cried together. It has been a tough year for the three of us. Mom didn't deserve to go through such tough situations. I would've loved to extricate her from the mess I was in but the cost of moving her from one hospital to another was what I couldn't afford. Until then, I'll make sure she isn't going to be in harm's way.

The thought of my boss swept through my mind as I walked into his office, it smelled nice in there. The blinds were shut, preventing the sun from sipping into the dark-themed room. The cleaners already did their work seeing how tidy everywhere is.

My eyes fell on a portrait of him on his desk, he looked much younger and jovial. His hair wasn't so black and he had a softer touch of masculine features. The man in the picture was happier and nicer than the present.

Perhaps experiences in the billion-dollar world had taught him a lesson.
It didn't make him likable because to me he was a predator and his employees were his poor victims. We worked our lives off for a man who would let us off in a matter of seconds and without remorse. It was a reckless risk working at Gardenia Inc.

I arranged his office just the way he wanted it and let the humidifier run a few minutes before his arrival.

As I anticipated his arrival, I felt embarrassment rush down my spine.
"This isn't working," I admitted. The fact that he'd seen me in such a vulnerable situation had me cringing. He probably thinks I'm pathetic, the type of girl who had everything but cried over spilled milk. I regret being in that position in the first place. It felt like I owed him an explanation. Gosh!

Just as I was about to settle in my office a call came in.

"Hello, you've reached Gardenia Pharmaceuticals head office. How May I help you?" The words rumbled off easily. I realized the person on the other phone was none other than the CEO, Jeremy himself, letting me know he wouldn't be coming in for work today and request I bring some documents to his house.

"Sir, I'll be there in thirty," I replied before disconnecting the line. I heaved a sigh of both relief and sadness because I was free from an office encounter with him but worse than that I had to face him in his own home, dammit!

I had to cancel everything on his schedule today and sent out apologies to everyone affected.

"Good morning Miss Wembley," Danti greeted startling me behind the screen.

"Oh, Danti, is that you?" I muttered. "Good morning, how May I help you?"

"Mr. White instructed me to assist you with anything at all."

"And I'm guessing you'll drive me to his house too?" I asked and punched on the keyboard.

"Yes ma'am,"

"Oh, it's just Annie," I corrected him. "Give me a minute I'd like to use the bathroom first." I grabbed my purse and rushed to the bathroom.

I put on more gloss and perfume and powder, then suddenly felt like a cheap slut for trying so hard. My image in the mirror was sickening. How had I gone from a strong-willed hater of Mr White to a seductress? It didn't fit my portfolio. I wiped it all off, deciding to go for a more natural look, I might just wait a little longer to execute my plans.

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