Boyfriend Reveal

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Taehyung was intently staring at the paper in his hands that he missed to notice Jungkook entering their room and silently standing behind him and looking at all the papers scattered on the table.

"What are these?" The questions was asked very silently but still made Taehyung to jump and threw the paper at Jungkook's face.

"Koo! Don't scare me! And when did you enter?" Taehyung asked, patting at his rapidly beating heart.

"Just now baby."

The word 'baby' always making the omega to blush prettily. Just like promised, Jungkook started calling him with sweet pet names after he moved in.

"Now tell me, what are you thinking with all these papers? Did you plan to take any exams?" Jungkook asked, taking Taehyungs hands, and guiding him to sit on the bed.

"No. No more exams in my life again." Taehyung said firmly making Jungkook chuckle at his reply.

"I am thinking about what to do for my next video. I have few ideas so, I am seeing which trend is going popular now and what I should do." Taehyung said, falling back on the bed and pulling Jungkook with him making the beta to hover above him.

"You always make them randomly. Why are you thinking about it now?" Jungkook asked, kissing the omega forehead.

"Maybe because I am having a guest for my next video." Taehyung mumbled, his hands flying to thread in his boyfriend's hair.

"Hmm, and who is this guest?" Jungkook asked, slowly moving down to kiss at his neck.

"A famous writer with a cute nose and gives best kisses." Taehyung said breathily.

Jungkook pulled back at that to look at Taehyung with a gaped mouth.

"Me? Do that boyfriend reveal require a grand video? Just introduce me and continue with your thing." Jungkook said to which Taehyung disagreed instantly.

"No. I am planning this for weeks. And I am not giving up." Taehyung said and Jungkook has no chance to say no since the omega kissed him the next moment stopping him from protesting.

"You are using my weakness here." Jungkook mumbled, leaning back to look at his gorgeous boyfriend who is smiling cheekily at him.

"You can use my weakness too." Taehyung replied making Jungkook chuckle at him.

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