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the girl could feel someone alternating between playing with her hair and drawing shapes on her arm, not only that she felt a grip around her waist. "lala wake up, foods here" the muffled sound of landos voice can be heard. "huh?" the girl asks- her voice croaky from just waking up. "we fell asleep, but the foods here- want me to bring it up stairs or are we eating down there?" lando asked. aella noticed she was cuddled into the boy, her arm was around his waist. "upstairs if you don't mind." aella said, the girl hates eating in her room but today she was just to tired. "alright love i'll bring it up the now" lando said she felt him untangle his hands as she removed herself from him. he was walking out the room to get the food.

love? in the 24 years the girl has knew lando he had only called her love once- the night of the formal. aella has tried to get rid of the feelings she felt for the boy who was in her living room, multiple times. she thought she had but the petname made her question whether she even had lost feelings for the boy. yes she did move on or atleast try to but she could never forget the way he made her feel. even after everything.

all these thoughts aella had was interrupted by lando waltzing into the room holding two bags of food. "am i interrupting some important thought?" lando asked genuinely confused on why the girl was staring at the fairy lights that were on its last legs hanging from the wall. "yeah i was plotting your downfall" the girl said a trace of sarcasm in her voice. a small smile crept onto landos face as these words were said. "yeah sure you were, you love me to much to see me fail!" he said a ghost of a smile on his face.

aella sat up as lando sat on the bed. "okay plans for the rest of the night?" aella asked as lando started to plate up the food being careful not to spill it on the bed. "i was thinking we could go on a walk?" he said concentrating on making sure the chicken satay didn't spill on the bedding. aella couldn't help but admire him. she quickly snapped out of it. "lan that sounds perfect" she said as she was grabbing her phone from the headboard of her bed. "like you" the boy mutter just loud enough for her to hear him. "lando what was that?" she asked a grin threatening to form on her face. "i didn't say anything" he said this whilst avoiding eye contact with her. "hm sure" she said.

lando finished plating up the foot and put on gravity falls. the two sat in silence eating and watching the show. after the two were finished they took the plates down stairs. "right aella go get changed so we can leave" lando said. aella simply walked away and got changed into joggers and some random jumper she found on her bedroom floor. she walked down stairs to see lando sat on the couch on his phone, she couldn't help but stare at him. he looked perfect. she couldn't pull her eyes away from him. "aella are you okay? you're staring." lando spoke. "yeah sorry lan you looked at peace. it was odd." she said as the boy stood up and walked over to her. he got her shoes for her and passed them to her "nice jumper by the way." he said. "thanks i found it on my floor no clue who's it is" she said looking at it, it looked familiar but she just couldn't think where she had seen it. "yeah i was looking for it when i woke up" lando said smiling at the girl. "oh shit sorry i can go change if you want." she said panicking in case he wanted to wear it. "it's fine it suits you better and besides i stole one of kostas's" he said a small tinge of pink on his cheeks. "i'll give it back to you after lan." she said trying to ignore the feeling of the heat rising up in her cheeks. "keep it, i have plenty." he said smiling at the girl.

the two left the house making sure to lock the door on the way out. they walked to landos parents to let them know they were going out on a walk so they didn't panic- although they were in their 20s their parents sure did worry about them too much. "okay lando where are we going because this could all be part of your master plan to kill me before i meet taylor swift!" aella said genuinely curious about where they were going. "somewhere." was all he said in reply but he grabbed sella's hand and started walking. the girl felt weird when he did this- like how she felt with milo when they first started dating. weird.

about ten minutes later they stopped walking and went into a little corner shop to get something to drink. aella opted for a bottle of diet coke and lando went for a water. "aella you know that aspartame isn't the same as real sugar. it increases the risk of illness." the boy informed the girl "i just like the way it tastes lando." she said suddenly becoming nervous. "okay then lala." the two walked over to the counter to pay- aella picked up a packet of sugar free gum and was about to pay when lando to placed two bars of chocolate down on the counter. "sugar is important aella." lando said to the girl in a hushed voice. he then simply tapped his card before aella could. "lan i was going to pay!" "well you snooze you lose." "you are such a child." the two walked out of the shop and then started to walk towards a park the two used to go to when they were younger.

the two sat on the swings talking about everything. "hey lando." the girl said. "yeah?" "what was that thing you said in the shop? about aspartame?" "oh that it's not the same as real sugar." the girl pulled out her phone and quickly noted it down along with some other words. "thank you lan i had the perfect idea for a song there!" "i better get credits for the writing if you release it!" "i'll pass lan." the duo eased back into conversation.

the sky got darker over time so the two decided to head home- well back to aellas house. aella passed the boy an airpod that were playing music from the academic. lando accepted the airpod and started to hold the girls hand subconsciously- playing with the few rings on the girls fingers. he noticed the fact that she had one on that he got her when they were in highschool, it was a silver ring with a heart shaped emerald on it. he got it for her birthday the only reason he ended up with an emerald was because it is the girls birthstone. lando was in his own world until he seen the snap of an iphone camera.

"sorry i had to post on my story." aella said. "you still wear the ring i got you?" lando asked curiously. "lando i never took it off/ not once." she said.

" she said

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