
Rough hands grabbed me by my upper arms and jerked me to my feet. I glared at him holding in my rage knowing that if I dared show a lick of emotion, it could very well be the end of me. He shook me, first a quick shake then a second rougher one. I maintained eye contact with him, staring into those icy blue eyes. They were devoid of emotion, of the love we once shared. We were both breathing heavily as we glared at each other. If looks could kill...

"Double cross me again and I will make sure you regret everything." He hissed through his teeth.

"Get your fucking hands off me." I hissed back as I jerked free of his hold. The tension in the room was reaching a boiling point.

"And CUT!" Our director threw off his headphones and began to walk towards us. I rubbed my upper arms feeling the tender skin starting to redden under my touch.

"Damn, Ella, did I grab you too hard?" Elliot asked. He gingerly lifted up part of the sleeve of the blouse I had on. His eyes widened when he saw red marks on my arm.

"It's okay, the scene turned out awesome." I said. "It's probably super realistic looking."

"Okay, but I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry." He pulled me into him for a quick side hug before Andrew approached us. Elliot was one of those actors constantly cast as the villain but doesn't have a mean bone in his body. It's just his face that screams bully.

"Let me just say, wow." Andrew clapped his hands together. "I actually worried for your life, Ella."

"Thank you." We both replied awkwardly, unsure of how one responds to a comment like that.

"Tomorrow we have the last scene needed before we wrap. Remember, this is the scene where you finally kill him, Ella. I want you to make sure that you feel Ruth's emotions as she finally gets vengeance for her abuser. Convey that tomorrow and I really think this could be an Oscar for you." Andrew said. My heart skipped a beat. An Oscar? For me? I glanced at Elliot who was beaming at me. He's won two Oscars already for two period piece movies he did a few years ago. I have yet to win one, though the tabloids say that I've been snubbed a couple times from being nominated.

"Wow, that is hard to envision." I found myself saying. My mind drifted to me standing on the stage holding the award and stuttering over my thank you speech. It's always been a dream of mine to win an Academy Award.

"Well, you deserve it. This role has been so hard on you, we can tell." Andrew clapped us both on the shoulders before telling everyone else it was a wrap for the day.

Elliot and I walked towards the trailers to undress and get ready to leave the set.

"That would be amazing if you got nominated for this role." He said as he held the door open for me. We walked out into the Los Angeles heat causing me to immediately sweat in the outfit I had on. I picked up my curls off the back of my neck as we crossed a parking lot to our trailers.

"It's always been a dream of mine." I admitted.

"Well, if you need a plus one you always know that I'm down." Elliot smiled at me. I grinned back.

"Just another not so subtle nod at how incredibly single I am." I laughed.

"Well, when Mr. Right rolls around, I'll retire from my plus one role. Until then, let's keep the world guessing." He kissed the top of my head and walked off to his trailer. I entered mine immediately grateful for the AC.

Elliot and I had known each other for the last few years. We had been in a movie together before when I first started acting. He played a serial killer and I was his next target. It was a minor role for me as I was just portrayed as the poor girl being stalked while Brad Pitt and Keanu Reeves were the real main characters as they played the detectives trying to solve the case before I was murdered.

Ella and WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now