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"Girl, are you for real?" Amelia stammered on the phone. She sounded heavily hungover and I could hear a man's voice in the background speaking Italian to someone. "You brought him to your house?"

"Amelia, hear me out. He honestly has no idea who I am. Don't you think after spending an entire day together that he would've revealed that he knows who I am? Asked for a picture? Anything?"

"I think he's a good liar and a huge story is going to come out about you soon." Amelia said. She was always very blunt with things. My stomach began twisting in knots. I do tend to trust quickly and too much. Is that what I was doing here? Was I being taken advantage of? Was he just trying to butter me up enough to then expose me and my secrets to TMZ? I quickly pulled up Google and looked myself up to see if anything was published about me but the only things I could find were about how I was loving my time in Miami and my outing with Elliot.

"You just need to meet him and see. I promise he isn't like that." I found myself saying almost robotically. How did I know he wasn't like that? We had only hung out a couple times. We do text all day but how was I to know if he was sending screenshots of our conversations to his friends? To the media? Do I need to tell him who I am and see what happens?

"Oh, I will meet him, you better believe it. My trip is coming to a close on Friday and you bet your ass I'll be knocking on your door in the blink of an eye." Amelia then spoke very poor Italian to the man in the background. I heard her giggle in a way I had never heard before.

"What is going on there?" I took a sip of my water.  I was desperate to change the subject. I wanted to do anything but think about my current predicament. 

"Well, you remember me telling you about that hot Italian man from the club a few nights ago? Well, I think he's the one. We have been inseparable this entire time. His name is Vittoro." My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. "And, he is sexy as fuck and amazing in bed. I'm obsessed with him. When I leave, we will see if he follows me. I hope he does." From the tone of her voice, I could tell she was casting him a sultry look.

"You'll have to tell me all about this!"

"Honey, once I'm with you he's all I'm going to be talking about. The second my plane lands, I'll come straight to you. As I just said, I also need to vet this Wilson character and see what he's about."

The day went on with me texting Wilson and doing absolutely nothing. I had posted pictures here and there making it seem like I was living my best life in Miami. I made sure that the backgrounds were vague enough where people couldn't really tell where I was just that it was somewhere warm. I scrolled through the comments and liked messages from other celebrities while ignoring all of the hate from other commenters. Those who post hate to my pictures are usually talking about all this plastic surgery I've done and how botched it is, which sucks because I haven't ever gotten work done so my natural self must look that bad to them.

I scrolled through my feed for a while before getting on Tik Tok. My Tik Tok usually shows me animals, DIY house renovations, and science topics. It's so perfectly catered to me that I get lost in the feed for hours. As I scrolled, I came across a video of a girl describing what plastic surgery celebrities should get to enhance their looks. I stopped to watch to see who was featured on her video today, as she posts stuff like this all the time.

The first few celebrities were all musicians who, to me, looked perfect just the way they are. I'm not one for plastic surgery unless it's subtle enough that you don't know they've gotten it. I've seen Botched and know that it can be hit or miss sometimes, dependent on your surgeon.

"Now let's talk about Ella Murdoc." My picture manifested behind the user. I felt my heart sink into my stomach but I couldn't scroll away. "So, she has a pretty round face so what I would do is enhance her cheekbones a little," on the screen she messed with the picture to make my face more angular, " and I would probably give her some lip fillers. She does have nice lips, don't get me wrong, but I think they could use a little more fullness." She puffed up my lips a little making them look like they belonged to someone else. "Ella also has a nice body but I think a minor breast augmentation procedure would really help her solidify that girl next door vibe a lot of people think she has." I found myself looking down at my chest wondering if my boobs were indeed too small for the industry.

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