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"I really wish you would tell me how he was in bed. Because, Ella, you are GLOWING." Amelia exclaimed. She was on her third drink of the flight and was feeling extra talkative. If I could get paid $1000 for every question she asked about my night with Wilson, I would be the world's next billionaire.

 The flight was not nearly as smooth as I was hoping but I didn't feel an ounce of anxiety because my mind kept thinking about last night, all three times with him. I could still feel every touch, every movement, every kiss. He put me first every time, a complete contrast to previous partners. Sex is usually seen as all about the guy and his pleasure and rarely about what the woman wants. Wilson was not like that one bit. I have never felt so satisfied by a man in my entire life. I fanned myself slightly thinking about his tongue on my body. I shifted in my seat slightly, the movement not lost on Amelia who gave me a knowing look. 

"Ugh this is infuriating. I know you're sitting there reliving everything judging by that stupid smile on your face. I just need something, a little tid bit of info. Please? How about this, just tell me when." Amelia held her hands about three inches apart and began to slowly pull them apart. "Just say when, really." she kept going. I just stared at her with amusement. Her hands were about a foot apart before she threw them up in annoyance. "Okay, I give up."

"I will tell you that it was really good, like really, really good." My face was hot. Amelia squealed.

"Get it, Ella. Finally, a man who knows to put the woman first. I knew I liked him." She pointed at me before giving me a huge smile. "But actually, I have never seen you so happy before and I love you and love this for you."

"I love you too."

The plane landed and we were met with hoards of paparazzi snapping pictures of us as we moved to where the car was waiting. I was beyond exhausted and was so thankful when we made a stop at a Starbucks. At the studio, more paparazzi waited for me snapping more pictures and trying to get me to reveal anything about my time in Miami. All I could do was smirk at how no one knew where I was actually staying. 

The whole day was truly a blur. I was pinned and prodded into different outfits, my hair made several transformations, as did my face with so much makeup. Thousands of photographs were taken of me on a variety of different sets. Afterwards, I was interviewed about my recent success, how I was doing, what the industry means to me, and plans moving forward. Even though the day was jam packed and hectic, I was immensely thankful that I was given this amazing opportunity. Not everyone in this industry is asked to be on the cover of Vogue.

Afterwards, Amelia and I went out to eat in the Upper West Side. People stopped us in the street for pictures or autographs. I love to say yes to my fans. I posed for so many pictures that our ten minute walk had almost tripled in time. Paparazzi had caught up with us and took pictures of my fan interactions and of our walk to the restaurant. Being away from all this for so long in St. Pete had me less stressed encountering it now. Probably because I also knew that by this time tomorrow, I would be back in my little, private oasis without a care in the world in the arms of the boy that I loved.


"Hello? Wilson? Are you listening?" A hand was waving in front of my face. I blinked a few times coming back to reality to find Rhodes standing in front of me. He looked pissed. I looked around trying to remember where I was and what I was doing. My mind had drifted to my night with Ella last night, how perfect it was. I was replaying the night over and over. I could still feel her body under my touch, hear every sound she made, feel her lips along my neck and down my chest. Goosebumps popped up along my arms as I thought about how it felt to take that step with her. 

"He's out of it again, dude." I glanced up to see Rhodes talking to Theo off to the side. 

"Wilson, we just cleaned all of the carts while you sat there." Theo said.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I'll do all of them next time." I stood up not realizing I had sat down in one of the carts. My body was stiff as if I had been sitting there for a long time. 

"You bet your ass you will." Rhodes shook his head before stalking off to clock out. Theo and I exchanged a look before we followed him. After we all clocked out, we went home to shower and change before going out to meet some friends. I wasn't feeling very sociable. Instead I was finding myself wondering what Ella was doing and if she was enjoying herself in New York. I was hoping that a good job came of this for her. She deserves the world. 

As I was getting ready, Theo walked in. I spun around as I pulled on my shirt. He was already ready for our night out. He had on black shorts with white Nike high top sneakers. His pastel yellow shirt only brought out his tanned skin further. His brown hair was styled neatly against his scalp and he was clean shaven. 

"Want to tell me about last night?" Theo sat down at my desk as I finished getting ready. I stepped into my bathroom to fix my still damp hair. My face gave it all away instantly as I faced Theo. He gave me a toothless grin. "That's what I thought. That good?"

"Dude, she's unbelievable. I feel like I'm in a movie. there is no way that someone can be that perfect and be real. I love everything about her. Her olive skin, the way her curls feel in my hands, the way she kisses me, holds me,"

"I have never heard you talk like this. Rhodes would flame you if he heard this." Theo chuckled. My cheeks were warm as I grabbed some socks and a pair of Vans to put on. 

"Yeah, well, when he finds the one then he'll know." I sat on the corner of my bed and began pulling my shoes on.

"Wait, did you say that you love everything about her?" 

I looked up and locked eyes with him. Did I say that? I thought back to what I had just said and realizing that I had said that, I nodded at him causing him to smile warmly. Theo is such a good influence on me and his unconditional support has meant so much to me during my life. Knowing that he was genuinely happy for me, even though he knew nothing about her, was everything to me.

I thought back to my words. I think my subconscious has known for a while that I love her. Any time I thought about the future, she was always by my side. Any time I did something new, or interesting, or had a good flight she was always the first person to come to my mind that I wanted to talk to. I could replay her laugh over and over in my head and feel her body squirm under my tickling fingers. Every touch, every kiss that we've shared I could still feel as if she she had only just walked away from me, not that they happened hours ago. I loved watching her sit passenger in my car with her hair blowing in the breeze as she moved her hand with the wind while I drove. I loved hearing all of her thoughts on how aliens are real, how crazy it is that Egyptians built the pyramids. I loved hearing her talk about the books she was reading and how passionate she was about reading. I loved hearing her talk about her aspirations and goals in life. I love the way that she would playfully smirk if I said something ridiculous, causing her dimples to appear making me want to kiss them. I love her. I love her endlessly. 

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