izombie OC 🩵🧡

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NAME:Ivan Aneke



GENDER: male

SEXUALITY: straight


PERSONALITY: depends on brain he eats but on cleanse he's motivated stern and serious though has a secret tender side

BIRTHDAY: February 12th

HABITS/ADDICTIONS: drinks beer on occasion

SEXUAL HISTORY: body count 4

Dolph Lindgren
6'2" ,dyed blonde hair, blue eyes,taned skin,scar on his third rib

APPEARANCE:Dolph Lindgren6'2" ,dyed blonde hair, blue eyes,taned skin,scar on his third rib

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LIKES: purple, Rainey days, jogging

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LIKES: purple, Rainey days, jogging

DISLIKES: hot weather, being undead, unable to box anymore

ROMANTIC INTEREST: Dale bozzio/ your OC

BACKSTORY:  Ivan was a boxer that used utopium as steroids and it turned him into a zombie He quite his boxing career and became a personal trainer

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BACKSTORY:  Ivan was a boxer that used utopium as steroids and it turned him into a zombie
He quite his boxing career and became a personal trainer

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