izombie OC 🩵🧡

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NAME Dr.Keanu Kovac


AGE: 32

GENDER: male

SEXUALITY: straight


PERSONALITY:kind,smart,funny,and joyful

BIRTHDAY:may 9th


SEXUAL HISTORY: body count 3

APPEARANCE:Goran Visnjic

APPEARANCE:Goran Visnjic

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LIKES:cats , blue, poppyseed bagels , coffee

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LIKES:cats , blue, poppyseed bagels , coffee

DISLIKES: peanuts{allergic},rain,overly sweet coffee

ROMANTIC INTEREST:Payton Charles/your OC

BACKSTORY:Keanu grew up in croatia though moved to Seattle Washington to pursue a fellowship in pediatric medicine though broke his hand and hasn't been the same to operate so he went to work in the mourge slowly catching on to Liv

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BACKSTORY:Keanu grew up in croatia though moved to Seattle Washington to pursue a fellowship in pediatric medicine though broke his hand and hasn't been the same to operate so he went to work in the mourge slowly catching on to Liv

FAMILY:Jakov Kovac<father> out of the country
Mia kovac<mother> deceased

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