6 - Tranquility and Tension

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As Alex sat at her office desk, the weariness of a week only halfway through settled in. Her thoughts drifted to the weekend escapade, masterminded by Lily, which had sprung a surprise on the group—bungee jumping, injecting an unexpected thrill into their routine. The group retreated to a cabin by the lake, providing a serene contrast to the adrenaline-fueled plunge. These surprises etched indelible memories, creating a mosaic resonating with each member.

I do know one thing, it was thrilling, but I AM NEVER going to do that again! It was scary as hell, and the whole way I was only concerned with chanting "please don't let me die". If it wasn't caught on video, I wouldn't have believed that was me.

However, the start of her workweek brought Alex back to the realities of her professional responsibilities. While she genuinely enjoyed her work, the pressures on her team for the upcoming quarterly meeting added stress. Two absent colleagues further amplified the workload, and despite Alex usually leaving workplace stress behind, the accumulating demands were taking a toll. Despite the revitalizing weekend, the lack of sleep and hectic workdays drained the newfound energy.

And then there was the looming 'Steve matter.' Over the weekend, Alex discussed the situation with her friends, and they unanimously shared the same concern. If he failed to grasp the message, there was a real possibility of him persistently reappearing.

I'm so over him. If he knew me at all he would've know that all of this wouldn't exactly help his case.

Him following me around, appearing at night when I'm out and each time it starts with pleas and it ends with anger. I thought he would have stopped by now, but it seems he's only increasing his efforts. 

And that time in the streets... If that guy from the museum didn't interfere, what would have happened? 

Steve doesn't feel like Steve anymore.

But why is it making me feel so sad? I can see he is hurting, and I know that for a large part that's because of how I'm acting. But lets be honest, I don't need to feel bad about any of it, he brought it all on himself!

Argh, I hate this! I can't believe I still feel for him and I'm so angry at the same time.

I need to put a definitive end to things with Steve. If he won't back off voluntarily, it's time to convey the message in a different way. I need to break free from this cycle. 

Of course, physical violence is out of the question - not that I haven't entertained the thought, but I have to be realistic about my chances. And with Steve, he might even consider it a form of foreplay, given our history.

This marked my first visit to a police station to explore options for keeping Steve out of my life. Unfortunately, it was a letdown; as long as he 'doesn't do anything' there isn't much they can do. And I get it; I'm not in immediate danger; I don't feel threatened; not really. And I don't fear him. I guess I just wanted a quick fix to my problems, but that's not what the police are for.

I get it, I do. No shortcuts.

However, Steve doesn't know any of this. 

Glancing at the clock and noting it's almost three, Alex shifted her attention to her laptop, finding no pressing matters demanding her immediate attention. Seizing the moment, she decided to excuse herself for a brief breath of fresh air, utilizing the opportunity to make a call to Steve.

Initially met with silence as he didn't pick up, he promptly returned the call, sounding surprised at hearing from her and expressing gratitude for the call, mentioning he was hoping they could talk.

Could it beTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon