Part 3 of: Y/N wakes up craving blood and Harry is there to help (reluctantly)

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Things are...different.

Not drastically, but enough for Y/N to notice; she expected nothing less, after what they had done with each other. Of course, their dynamic would shift, she just didn't know if the shift would be slight and gradual or notable and sudden. With Harry, it could be either, as wishy-washy as he is with her sometimes. However, for whatever reason she thought maybe being nose-deep between her thighs might have halfway connected a thing or two in his brain and what he wanted his disposition toward her to be. Was he the dutiful mentor, ready to guide her through life and aid her at any moment? Or the begrudging adviser, perturbed by her presence and put out when she needed help?

Depending on the day, she could get either, and that was before the additional camber in their already convoluted dynamic. So she was hardly surprised when he was all over the place after too like he wasn't even sure what to make of what happened between them. Surely, in all his years on this planet, and all his years mentoring other vampires, he must have run into something like this, right? It couldn't just be her who felt a tickle down her spine and the vessel-consuming ache of wanting to be filled when she sank her teeth into someone's body.

She would ask around but she's kind of embarrassed to even look at anybody right now. They were in a household of vampires, with hearing that could only be rivaled by a greater wax moth and they weren't necessarily being quiet about it either. Everyone heard her, everyone could probably smell her too, and if she hadn't already kept herself up half the night thinking about it, Niall only confirmed her suspicions the following morning.

"He's a prat, but he walks around like he's got a horse cock, so I can't say I blame you."

He'd moved on from it generally fast, but that didn't stop the consumption of her whole body in shame-driven flames. And when Christopher's cheeks went a bright, rosy pink when he saw her next, Y/N wanted the whole ground to open up and swallow her whole. She'd only finally gotten comfortable enough to participate in movie nights routinely, and now she wanted to gnaw through her leg more than sit beside any of them on the couch and pretend they didn't know. That they didn't hear her, or the absolute filth that left Harry's mouth, no matter how it might have been muffled against her body.

Y/N's sure they all fuck around – there's no way Delphine and Saskia haven't slept with each other at least once, with how they're always clinging onto the other – but still, she can't fight the embarrassment. She didn't even talk about sex that much with her old human friends, and these new vampire acquaintances had practically a front-row seat to hear her get eaten out...on her period...

God, she's mortified.

Harry doesn't seem concerned about it in that regard. He doesn't seem ashamed of it in the slightest and that might make her feel a little better in different circumstances if he wasn't being weird otherwise. It'd been three weeks since it'd happened: some days Harry was around her all day and was no more than an arm's length away the entire time. He's on her cat paw chair, in her bed, helping her hang up lights, moving dressers where she wants them, theorizing if she should get a telly in here as the others have in their rooms. If they aren't in her room, then they're outside practicing, playing games to help her strengthen her senses when she needs them, and dull them when she doesn't. Or she's in the kitchen with him. Christopher is warming her blood again because Harry thinks they should take a break until they can figure out exactly what's going on. Still, Harry is on the stool directly beside her and his knee is nudging hers, and his arm is pressed against her forearm, and he's crowding her space, so even if she wanted to ignore him she couldn't.

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